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  1. Release notes
  2. Release notes for July and August 2024

Product Updates

As we say goodbye to summer, let’s close out the season with some exciting updates.


Add a status description to your project board, filter child issues by status, and apply a template when adding new issues in Android.


  • Board status description: Add a description to the top of each status column in your project’s board.
  • Enterprise release: Version 2.4.0 is now available. 


  • Posting to X: Embedding with (formerly is now supported.
  • Google Drive links: Google Drive links now display the file type icon.
  • iOS: Filter child issues by status, and find the to-be-discontinued Today Extension in the widget for iOS 17.
  • Android: Apply a template when adding an issue, and filter issues by type.


  • The status change history when using the API to retrieve issue comments displayed in Japanese for users with English as their language setting.
  • The wrong error page appeared when trying to access a wiki that doesn’t exist.
  • Issue drafts didn’t autosave for Android users.
  • Parent issues displayed on the issue details page for iOS users even when child issues were disabled.
  • The flame icon displayed for completed issues in multiple-project searches.
  • Templates didn’t work for iOS users when changing an issue type. 

That’s it for the summer of 2024. Join us next month for our first fall update.

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