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  2. Administrators Guide
  3. Project Setting

Project Setting

Page to Edit Projects

Projects can be added/edited/deleted from this page.

Screenshot: Screen of Project settings

List of Projects

List of projects are shown here. The order of projects can be modified by drag-and-drop icons located left of Group Name.

The projects that are set "Don't display on Dashboard" on Edit Project basic settings will be listed in gray.

Screenshot: Screen of List of Projects

Add Project

To add a project, proceed from "Add Project" on the list of "Projects" page.

Screenshot: Click 'Add Project', then 'Add Project' page shows

Enter "Project Name" and "Project Key" and press "Submit" to add a project. Project key is an abbreviated name (code name) of the project. It is used for the name of issues (i.e. BLG-52).


By checking "Enables Charts" box, you can use Gantt Chart and Burndown Chart. You'll be able to input Start Date and Estimated Hours/Actual Hours of issue.


Checking "Enable Subtasking" box will let you use parent-child issue relationships for this project.

Formatting Rules

"Formatting rules" is to set the formatting rules for this project. "Backlog", "Markdown" or "Use Space setting" options are available. Formatting rules for the Space can be set on the Space settings page.

Project Setting

To change the project name or project key, click the name of the project on "Projects" list.

Screenshot: click the name of the project on 'Projects' list

Then click "Edit Project basic settings" on "Project Settings".

Screenshot: Screen of Project settings


By checking "Use Chart" box, you can use Gantt Chart and Burndown Chart. You'll be able to input Start Date and Estimated Hours/Actual Hours of issue.

This feature is only available for the plans with chart options.


Checking "Enable Subtasking" box will let you use parent-child issue relationships for this project.

Subtasking feature is only available on paid plans.

Formatting rules

"Formatting rules" is to set the formatting rules for this project. "Backlog", "Markdown" or "Use Space setting" options are available. Formatting rules for the Space can be set on the Space settings page.


Check this box to show Wikis in tree structures.

Project Administrator

In Project Settings, check the box next to Project Administrator to let those users add other project administrators.

Archive the project

Click "Don't display on Dashboard" box if you want to hide this project form Dashboard when the project has been completed, etc.

Changing the project key

If you change the project key, the URL to access issues and Project Home will be changed. If you use Files or Subversion, the URL of web folder and Subversion repository will change also. Please do not change the project key unless it is not avoidable (i.e. you've assigned a wrong project key).

Please do not change the project key unless you really need to do so.

Delete Project

To delete a project, click the delete button next to the project name on "Projects".

A dialog to assure you of deleting the project, press "OK" to proceed or press "Cancel" not to delete the project. This action cannot be taken back. Please be cautious.

When you delete a project, all issues, comments, attached files, Wiki, shared files, and Subversion repository will be deleted. Please make sure that you are done with the entire project before you delete the project.
Screenshot: Click the 'x' button next to the project name

Edit Members

Only Administrators and Project Administrators can access this page to edit members.

Add users individually or by groups. You can find a specific user or a group by entering a keyword in the field.

Users will receive a notification when you add them to a project. Click 'Add Message' below the selection field to include a short description about the project. This message will be sent along with the notfication to the newly added members. For more help on notifications, click here.

Screenshot: Screen of Edit members

Project Administrator Settings

Only administrators can manage any project, but project administrators can help manage certain projects. Project administrators can be set per project.

For details about each role, please refer to User Privileges.

Add to a project administrator from Project Administrator Settings page.

Only administrators can see the "Project Administer Settings" button, but project administrators might also see it on a Edit Project basic settings page.

Screenshot: Screen of Project Administrator Settings