New way to switch accounts on Backlog for Android

Every few weeks we like to update users on the latest updates to the Backlog for Android app. This week’s updates include:

Navigation drawer

Previously when you tapped the hamburger button in the top-left corner of the home screen, a dialog popped up with your account switcher options. We decided to redesign this feature with more familiar and user-friendly UI: the navigation drawer. We also added new links, so you can easily access your organization settings and profile from the Backlog for Android app.

navigation drawer on Backlog for Android navigation drawer on Backlog for Android

Reordering milestones, categories, and issue types

When projects have many issue types, it’s useful to have the ones you use most at the top. Now you can reorder milestones, categories, and issue types to the order of your choosing. Simply press and drag.

Reorder issue types on Backlog for Android Reorder issue types on Backlog for Android

Reorder issue types on Backlog for Android Reorder issue types on Backlog for Android


That’s it for today. But we’ll keep you up-to-date on Backlog for Android improvements as they unfold!

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