Add/edit projects on Backlog for Android

Today we’re releasing features to the Backlog for Android app that will allow you to:

  • Add and edit projects,
  • Add categories and milestones from the create and edit issue pages,
  • Manage categories and milestones from the project settings page,
  • Open file URLs for shared files, and
  • Use new backlog emoji syntax.

Add and edit projects

Now you can manage projects on the go right from your Backlog for Android app.

To add a project, go to the project list page and tap the add (+) button.

To edit a project, open the project from your project list page and tap the settings tile.

Add categories and milestones from create/edit issue screens

You can also add new categories and milestones while creating a new issue or editing an existing issue.

Manage categories and milestones from the project settings page

In project settings, you can manage (add, remove, or edit) categories and milestones.

To manage project categories, tap “categories” from the project settings page.

To manage project milestones, tap “milestones” from the project settings page.

Open file URLs for shared files

Rather than redirecting to your mobile brower, now you can open file URLs for shared files right in the app.

Use new backlog emoji syntax

And finally, you we have added the new Backlog emoji syntax to the Android app, so you can use and view emojis. The old emoji panel has been removed.


We hope you enjoy all these updates to the Android app as you manage work on the go.

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