Now invite new members to your space on Backlog for Android

We’re always working to make our mobile app more powerful to bring you the same capabilities on-the-go as you enjoy working at your desktop with Backlog. Today, we have some new additions to the Backlog for Android app which will now allow you to:

Invite new members

Adding existing users to new projects is easy, but sometimes you need to add brand new members while on-the-go. Now you can do just that by simply clicking the new “Invite a new member” link.

You’ll be redirected to the member settings of your Nulab Account where you can add members with just an email address.

Archived milestones

Sometimes we archive things that we later realize we still need. Now, you can view your archived milestones and unarchive them right in the Backlog for Android app.

We hope you enjoy these new capabilities on mobile. Stay tuned to our blog for all of our latest product updates and announcements.

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