Keep meetings on track with Cacoo’s new Timer feature

In today’s fast-paced work environment, efficient collaboration and effective time management are crucial for success. That’s why we’re excited to announce the latest addition to the Cacoo toolbox: the Timer feature. Designed to help teams stay on track, remain focused, and adhere to allotted timeframes, the Timer feature is a game-changer for managing your meetings and collaborative sessions.

Benefits of using the Timer feature 

In a world where every minute counts, keeping presentations and meetings on schedule is essential. The Timer feature allows you to set a specific time limit during collaboration sessions, ensuring that everyone has a chance to contribute without the discussion spiraling out of control. 

Even when working independently on your diagrams, it’s easy to lose track of time or get sidetracked. The Timer feature acts as your personal timekeeper, allowing you to set intervals for focused work sessions. 

How to use the Timer feature

Using the Timer feature in Cacoo is simple and intuitive. Located at the bottom of the toolbar, you can access it with just a click. Once activated, you have the option to set the desired time limit for your session. Additionally, we’ve added handy buttons to start, pause,  reset the Timer, and add extra time giving you full control over your time management. Want more info? Check out our support article for all the nitty gritty details.

Ready to get started?

Ready to take your collaboration and time management to the next level? Whether you’re leading meetings, brainstorming sessions, or working solo on your diagrams, Cacoo’s Timer feature is your secret weapon for staying organized, focused, and productive. Sign up for a free trial of Cacoo today and experience the Timer feature for yourself.

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