Microservices and Go talks by Nulab Developer Jay Chen

Migrating from Monolith to Microservice Nulab developer Jay

In September, Nulab developer Jay Chen from our New York office visited Singapore and gave two talks at our local developer meetups.

Talk at NuSpace

The first talk was organized by the Singapore Kubernetes User Group and hosted at NuSpace, our Nulab user community space.

Nulab developer Jay Chen giving a talk to the group

Before the talk, the organizer/emcee James Buckett had attendees introduce themselves so that everyone could get to know one another.

Singapore Kubernetes User Group meetup at NuSpace


Migrating from Monolith to Microservice

Jay’s talk centered on how we changed our Cacoo online diagramming tool from a monolith backend infrastructure to microservices using Kubernetes, and the benefits and tradeoffs of this move.

After the talk, Jay fielded several questions from the audience; the topic of microservices was clearly intriguing for many developers. Stay tuned for a future blog post on microservices, from Jay!


Talk at Shopee Singapore

The next night, Jay gave a second talk organized by the GoSG meetup and hosted at Shopee Singapore. 

Building your web service into one binary file

In this talk, Jay gave a demo using the go-bindata library to build a single binary file that contains both server and website.

When working with Go applications, like our app Cacoo, files are statically compiled. But it can be tedious to manage the many static assets (images, etc) often necessary in a web service. Compiling these files into a binary simplifies this process. 

 Nulab developer Jay speaking to GoSG meetup at Shopee

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