Edits within 30 seconds will not be marked as “Edited” typetalk Edits within 30 seconds will not be marked as “Edited” January 11, 2022
Discontinuing support for iOS 12 and Android 6 typetalk Discontinuing support for iOS 12 and Android 6 August 26, 2021
Typetalk’s mobile apps get a few improvements typetalk Typetalk’s mobile apps get a few improvements May 7, 2020
The latest on iOS: Share message, topic, and tag URLs — and more! typetalk The latest on iOS: Share message, topic, and tag URLs — and more! February 19, 2020
Display user names for mentions in Typetalk typetalk Display user names for mentions in Typetalk December 24, 2019
Discontinuing support for iOS 10 on Typetalk’s iOS app typetalk Discontinuing support for iOS 10 on Typetalk’s iOS app September 20, 2019
Paid plans get 10x the file storage & updates to the Typetalk for iOS app typetalk Paid plans get 10x the file storage & updates to the Typetalk for iOS app June 26, 2019
Typetalk for iOS expands the power of the topic menu typetalk Typetalk for iOS expands the power of the topic menu October 30, 2018