Cacoo vs. Visio

Why choose Cacoo over Visio?
Compare the price and the features.
For 10 users
per month
Real-time multi-user editing
Shapes & Templates
Share & Export
Database Importer
Wireframe Templates
In-App Video Chat
In-App Text Chat
Batch Sticky Notes for Quick Brainstorming
For 10 users
per month
Real-time multi-user editing
Shapes & Templates
Share & Export
Database Importer
Wireframe Templates
In-App Video Chat
In-App Text Chat
Batch Sticky Notes for Quick Brainstorming
Visio is a diagramming and vector graphics application. Unlike Visio, Cacoo is intuitively built, easy to master, and liked by tech and non-tech people alike.

Work together from anywhere
Share and edit the same diagram, at the same time.
Import from Visio to Cacoo
Import and edit your existing Visio files directly in Cacoo.

Real-time collaboration in Cacoo
Take your online collaboration up a notch.

No need for in-depth training or long tutorials. Anyone can pick up Cacoo in their first session.

While your diagrams can be as complicated as you’d like, our technology is not.