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  1. Release notes
  2. Backlog has been updated! Now you can add issues automatically via email.

Release Information

Dear Backlog users:

Backlog has been upgraded lately. With this update, the following functionalities are added.

Add issues automatically by sending emails to Backlog.

Add issues automatically by sending emails to Backlog.

Have you ever missed inquiries from the contact form or gotten confused about the status of the inquiries?

Try adding issues via email on Backlog to overcome these problems!
Forwarding inquiries from the contact form to the email address will create new issues regarding those inquiries on Backlog.

Issue details such as the assignee, deadline and category can be registered and shared among project members for smoother operations.

Please refer the page below for details.

Let Backlog manage inquiries

Delete issues

Delete issues

Previously, once issues are added on Backlog, they cannot not be deleted. We believed that it is important to keep all issues recorded even if they have been added by mistake. However, many users have voted on our feedback forum for the option to delete issues on Backlog.

Therefore, we have now enabled Space administrators to delete unwanted issues on Backlog.

We are going to add features requested and improve Backlog even more in the next update. Please enjoy using Backlog and look forward to hearing future updates!

Please add suggestions for improvements
or new features here