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  3. Google Cloud Architecture Diagram

Google Cloud Architecture Diagram

Document the structural components of a cloud network with our Google Cloud Architecture Diagram. This template example highlights a content management system built on Google Cloud Platform services.
Google Cloud Architecture Diagram

Uses of Google Cloud Architecture Diagrams

Google Cloud architecture diagrams are essential for visualizing the structural functionality of a cloud computing framework.

When building a Google Cloud based infrastructure, developers combine a wide variety of components, such as virtual machines and dynamic databases, to manage data flow and computing loads. By documenting these structures, you can design better systems and maintain them efficiently.

Google Cloud diagrams are most often used to:

  • Provide an overview of cloud computing infrastructure
  • Identify how different cloud components will work together
  • Communicate design plans or changes to developers or stakeholders

To make diagramming quick and simple, the Cacoo template includes common Google Cloud icons, so you can assemble the right components in minutes.

Google Cloud Architecture Diagram

How to create your own Google Cloud Architecture Diagram

Google Cloud diagrams have many applications, so how you use them depends on the type of cloud architecture you want to visualize.

To get started, open the Google Cloud Architecture Diagram and corresponding Google Cloud icons in Cacoo.


Think about all the components involved in the cloud architecture, such as servers, DNS hosts, VMs, and cloud storage.


Add relevant icons to the template, and remove any symbols you don’t need.


Use the arrows to define the connections and computing structure.

Once you’re done, you can share the finished diagram with team members to get their input and make final improvements.

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