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3D Estate case study:
Managing sales orders and organizing work — effortlessly
Executive Summary
We had a chat with Jakub Jamontt, Chief Business Development Officer at 3D Estate, and we learnt how Backlog is helping this tech company stay effortlessly on track with projects.
Why did you start using Backlog? What challenges were you looking to address?
We needed an agile tool to manage the development of features, products, and the delivery of orders. Our team needed a more structured system to organize and plan releases, keep track of bugs, and stay on top of deadlines.
We started using Backlog, and we immediately noticed that it was effortless to set up. Our engineering team loved it, and in the beginning, they were those who mainly used it. Now, all our teams moved their work organization to Backlog - Sales, Marketing... they are all on Backlog.
Your platform is incredibly user-friendly. Team members don't need any training or any particular tech experience, it's very intuitive.
“Backlog has become a central hub for the company and the heart of all our operations. It's a powerful yet simple and effective tool.”

How Backlog Helped
How do you normally use Backlog?
Backlog let us have all information in one place, we have finally said goodbye to spreadsheets and multiple dashboards. We log into Backlog, and we have everything we need to keep track of our projects and tasks. We instantly know who is working on what, the progress made, and the deadlines we need to respect to deliver each project on time. One quick look and you know where everyone is at.
It's a great tool to communicate and coordinate with your own team, it easily allows you to manage and assign tasks and prioritize bugs. Also, Backlog is fantastic to organize work across different teams and departments.
When we work on a new product, there are four stages of production managed by two different teams. If there are bugs, they become subtasks. We use different custom Status for each stage of production, and we describe each Status detail on Backlog's Wiki. Hence, the working process among the team is more transparent for everyone. Furthermore, for us, it's essential that the Sales team - that often creates the tasks for production - can quickly access all the most updated information on the state of each client order.
Now, we don't have to stress anymore about forgetting some critical information or deadline - it's all in one place, and the whole team has access to it.
Without Backlog, we would be unquestionably more disorganized.
Is Backlog helping you meet your short term and long term goals?
Backlog definitely helps us save time. Is this bug already fixed? When will this new product be released? Where can I find all the details of the new release? Now people can find the answers to all these questions by simply logging into Backlog. No more endless email chains, which were quite frankly a nightmare for our productivity.
Backlog collects all our ideas, notes, tasks, deadlines, and projects, and turns them into efficient actionable lists.
We are a small team, each member has a role in multiple projects. Backlog is essential to manage both day-to-day tasks and time consuming complex projects. Without it, we'd be struggling with the organization of our work. It enables us to set a clear direction and clear responsibilities for our projects. It ensures that we are following our overall roadmap and that we are on pace to achieve our business goals. Your software supports the fast-moving growth of our young company.
Ultimately, using Backlog, we rendered over 100,000 apartments walkthroughs in two years!
What's your favourite feature?
I love its notification and mention features. They allow everyone to receive alerts and stay informed about projects and tasks as soon as they get updated. These features definitely help keep everyone on track!
Backlog has become a central hub for the company and the heart of all our operations. It's a powerful yet simple and effective tool. Using it provides so much clarity to our team on how to best organize our work.

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