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4 benefits of SaaS issue-tracking

PostsProject management
Backlog Staff

Backlog Staff

March 06, 2021

Between customer, client, and internal demands, an issue tracker is sure to benefit every team. With tickets and projects piling up, issue-tracking software organizes an otherwise cluttered deck. Teams of all sizes and varying locations benefit from the software’s collaborative features. In turn, clients and customers receive what they need faster.

The best issue-tracking software provides you with a wealth of benefits. From the obvious to the possibly overlooked, here is just a slice of the good an issue tracker brings you.

Improved team efficiency

Task management operates smoother when a team has an issue-tracking system in place. Overall, issue tracking brings enhanced organization with in-depth detail to tasks. Without one, issues and tasks are merely floating in the ether.

Not implementing a system is like a hot pot of mistakes ready to boil over. Turn down the heat with a trusted, high-quality piece of software.

SaaS issue-tracking software allows teams to manage tasks with increased attention to detail. Best of all, it resides in one central location. Every person on the project knows what tasks need completing: When one phase of the job finishes, the next person or team knows precisely what to do.

You know immediately when a new project gets added to the boards. With a detailed history of the task, you always know what happened and what remains unresolved. Best of all, you can customize fields and categories to fit your team’s workflow. With everyone in the know, bugs get fixed faster.

One mistake larger teams often make is diversifying their issue tracking. On paper, it makes sense. However, you can save your team some long-term headaches by keeping your issue tracking under one roof.

One-stop information destination

Issue tracking systems are far from just a central location for project management. They also provide you with an easy-to-access hub of company and project information. Instead of digging through emails or trying to remember a subject line or keyword, you can simply navigate to the project file. As long as it is titled properly, any data shouldn’t take more than a moment to retrieve.

Having a hub of information improves onboarding efficiency as well. In this case, onboarding refers to both new hires and additions to projects when they expand. With a history of the project and company, new additions are caught up to speed much faster. In turn, your team reduces the growing pains phase an uninformed person is sure to go through.

The same goes for whenever you need a refresher. With the detailed history right at your fingertips, going back to your first communication with a client takes moments. From copywriters to coders, having this level of information improves everyone’s workflow.

Integrations extend the benefits of issue-tracking software. This is especially true with chat apps, diagramming tools, and numerous other everyday office tools. It’s best to use a system with an open API so your team is afforded the same customization capabilities you have with your team’s workflow.

Higher level of collaboration

Collaboration is a primary focus of SaaS issue tracking. By using issue-tracking software, you make communication easier. A free-flow conversation improves organization across the company. From client information to team schedules, all can be seen and discussed with ease.

It’s simple to add team members to projects and get them caught up to speed. This is especially true with multi-location teams. Whether it’s large and in-scale or small and remote, separated colleagues remain united with an issue tracker. The same goes for multiple people performing the same job throughout time zones (e.g., live support).

Issue tracking helps bridge the gaps that otherwise arise amongst teams. Whether under one roof or across the globe, software trumps the other ways. Instead of waiting for an email or a call, anyone can access information right away. Now, the only details you would need to wait for is new information not yet acquired or created by someone.

Collaboration doesn’t always have to be so serious. Issue trackers also allow teams to communicate a job well done with words or a clever emoji. While the software may be all business, there’s always room for personable communication and fun.

Improved customer service

With efficiency enhanced across the board, it’s almost assured that customer satisfaction will increase. With a shorter issue resolution time, customers and clients receive what they seek faster. In turn, they’re likely to continue doing business with you or provide word-of-mouth marketing.

When servicing customers, issue tracking ensures that no issue goes unresolved for long. The assigned person and their manager know exactly what needs to be done and when it is due. In a collaborative team setting, tasks can be redistributed when one worker gets overextended. Together, these benefits result in positive customer interaction.

With clients, you may sometimes include them in your projects. If so, they can experience your team’s collaboration firsthand. Moreover, they’ll be able to participate as well. Now, they are part of the team and the process.

By placing them in the process, you should see a more extended production time but little to no revisions once complete. This is because they get to see the work unfold in real time. If they notice any issues along the way, they can add a ticket, just like any other team member. Right down to QA, they get to lend their voice to the project.

Issue tracking is a staple of the modern team. SaaS issue tracking allows teams to stay on top of tasks and helps improve customer satisfaction with the service. Upon implementation, groups anywhere in the world have the ability to sync up on any job.

With the endless possibilities that can arise on a task, it only makes sense to track each issue. Without one, even the best memory is sure to let a problem slip through the cracks. Instead of allowing it to happen, be proactive and invest in an issue tracker today.

Issue tracking in Backlog

Using our own issue-tracking system in Backlog, you can keep your team up to date on all issues and bugs all the time. Your whole team will be notified in real-time every time you add a task or change a status. With direct messages in comments, the right team member will always know exactly what’s going on and what’s next.

This post was originally published on March 7, 2018, and updated most recently on March 6, 2021.



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