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Git vs. SVN: Which version control system is right for you?

PostsSoftware development
Backlog Staff

Backlog Staff

May 23, 2024

Version control systems are integral to building software. They combine your repository of project files with a history of all your code changes, making it easy to edit and understand your code over time. The main benefit of using a version control system is that it keeps your team’s workflows organized as they work through various types of releases. With one in place, team members can easily research, track, and undo code. They can work on the same code simultaneously without code conflicts. Plus, the whole team can track who made what changes, when, and why. But which should you choose? Git vs. SVN? Some other system entirely?

But before you implement a version control system into your team’s workflow, you need to figure out which one is right for you. While most options out there have similar benefits, their differences are important.

Git vs. SVN version control systems

With all version control systems, project files sit on a server that you push your files to when you have completed your work on your local machine. However, deciding whether to use a centralized version control system (like SVN) or a distributed version control system (like Git) will affect how you commit changes.

Remember, not all version control systems fit all teams and needs. A method that works perfectly for one company may be entirely wrong for your team. To determine which version control system to use, you need to examine how each system works.

What is SVN?

Apache Subversion, also known as Subversion, SVN, is the most popular centralized version control system on the market. In a centralized system, all files and historical data are stored on a central server. Developers can commit their changes directly to that central server repository.

SVN workflow

Work is comprised of three parts:

  1. Trunk: The trunk is the hub of your current, stable code and product. It only includes tested, unbroken code, which acts as a base from which all changes are made.
  2. Branches: Here, you house new code and features. Using a copy of the trunk code, team members conduct research and development in the branch. This allows each team member to work on the enhanced features without disrupting each other’s progress.
  3. Tags: Consider tags a duplicate of a branch at a given point in time. Tags aren’t used during development but rather during deployment after the branch’s code is finished. Marking your code with tags makes it easy to review and, if necessary, revert it.

Here’s how this process looks: To create a new feature, you first branch the code from the trunk, i.e., take an exact copy of the trunk and place it into a new folder within the branches area. Then you work on your feature. When you’re done, you merge your changes back into the trunk.

Benefits and drawbacks of SVN


  • Stability: The trunk remains stable because only error-free code is merged.
  • Ease of use: SVN is known for its simplicity and ease of understanding, making it user-friendly for newcomers.


  • Single point of failure: A central server means there is a single point of failure. If there is an error, it can destroy all builds.
  • Limited offline access: Developers have limited offline capabilities since the central server is required for most operations.

What is Git?

While centralized systems were the version control system of choice for nearly a decade, Git has surpassed them in recent years.

Version control system popularity


Unlike SVN, Git utilizes multiple repositories: a central repository and a series of local repositories. Local repositories are exact copies of the central repository, complete with the entire history of changes.

Git workflow

The Git workflow is similar to SVN, but with an extra step: to create a new feature, you take an exact copy of the central repository to create your local repository on your local machine (you can think of this as your “local trunk”). Then you work on your local repository exactly as you would in SVN by creating new branches, tags, etc. When you’re done, you merge your branches into your local repository (i.e. local trunk). When you’re ready to merge into the central repository, you push your changes from your local repository to the central repository.

Benefits and drawbacks of Git

Many people prefer Git for version control. Here’s why.


  • Faster commits: Because you commit to the central repository more often in SVN, network traffic slows everyone down. With Git, you work mostly on your local repository and only commit to the central repository occasionally.
  • No single point of failure: Each developer has their own repository, so it doesn’t matter if the central repository is broken. Developers can continue to commit code locally until the central repository is fixed.
  • Offline availability: Git can work offline, allowing your team to continue working without losing features if they lose connection.
  • Open source and cross-platform: Git is supported by virtually all operating systems and is widely compatible with various technologies, languages, and frameworks.


  • Complex history logs: The ever-growing complexity of history logs can make analyzing your system harder. Because developers take extra steps when merging, history logs of each issue can become dense and difficult to decipher.

Git vs. SVN use cases

SVN use case

  • Legacy projects: Companies with legacy codebases often use SVN because of its stability and straightforward approach to version control.
  • Small teams: Smaller teams or projects with less frequent commits benefit from SVN’s simplicity.

Git use case

  • Large, distributed teams: Teams spread across different locations find Git advantageous due to its distributed nature and offline capabilities.
  • Open source projects: Git is preferred for open-source projects due to its robust branching and merging capabilities, which facilitate collaboration.

Git vs. SVN comparison chart

Feature Git SVN
Type Distributed Centralized
Commit Speed Fast (local commits) Slower (network dependent)
Offline Work Fully supported Limited
Single Point of Failure None (distributed) Central server risk
Ease of Use Steeper learning curve Easier for beginners
Branching/Merging Advanced and flexible Simple but less flexible
History Logs Complex Simpler

Git vs. SVN integrations with other tools

Both Git and SVN integrate seamlessly with a variety of development tools and environments, enhancing the software development process and ensuring smooth workflows. Here’s how they connect with popular tools:

CI/CD pipelines


  • Jenkins: Git integrates with Jenkins (and Jenkins with Backlog!) to automate builds, tests, and deployments. Jenkins plugins for Git allow for easy configuration and management of Git repositories within the CI/CD pipeline.
  • GitLab CI/CD: GitLab offers built-in CI/CD capabilities, enabling automated testing, deployment, and continuous integration directly from GitLab repositories.
  • CircleCI: CircleCI provides robust support for Git, allowing teams to build, test, and deploy their code quickly and efficiently.


  • Jenkins: SVN integration with Jenkins allows for continuous integration and automated deployment processes. Jenkins can monitor SVN repositories for changes, and trigger builds accordingly.
  • TeamCity: JetBrains TeamCity supports SVN and offers a range of build automation, testing, and deployment features for SVN-hosted projects.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)


  • Visual Studio Code: VS Code has built-in Git support, allowing developers to manage repositories, perform commits, and resolve merge conflicts directly from the editor.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: JetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEA offers comprehensive Git integration, supporting all major Git operations, including branching, merging, and rebasing.
  • Eclipse: Eclipse provides Git integration through the EGit plugin, enabling source control management directly within the IDE.


  • Eclipse: Eclipse supports SVN through the Subclipse and Subversive plugins, offering features like repository browsing, commit, update, and merge operations.
  • IntelliJ IDEA: IntelliJ IDEA integrates with SVN, providing tools for repository access, commit history viewing, and conflict resolution.
  • NetBeans: Apache NetBeans includes built-in support for SVN, allowing developers to perform version control tasks directly from the IDE.

Project management tools


  • Backlog: Backlog integrates with Git, enabling users to create and manage private repositories, propose and compare code changes, and leave in-line comments on code. It also supports Git-based issue and bug tracking.
  • Jira: Jira integrates with Git through various add-ons and plugins, allowing for seamless linking of code changes to Jira issues, enhancing project tracking and collaboration.


  • Backlog: Backlog supports SVN integration, providing features like repository browsing, commit tracking, and in-line code commenting, alongside its robust project management capabilities.
  • Jira: SVN can be integrated with Jira to associate commits and repository activities with Jira issues, improving visibility and traceability of changes.

Future trends of Git vs. SVN version control

Version control systems are continually evolving to meet the ever-changing demands of software development. Here are some emerging trends and how Git and SVN are adapting:

Enhanced collaboration features


  • Real-time collaboration: Git platforms like GitHub and GitLab are increasingly focusing on real-time collaboration features, such as live code editing, real-time comments, and integrated chat functionalities.
  • AI-Assisted development: AI tools are being integrated to assist with code reviews, suggest changes, and automate repetitive tasks, enhancing the developer experience.


  • Improved merge capabilities: Enhancements in SVN’s merging algorithms are making it easier to handle complex merges, reducing conflicts, and improving overall collaboration efficiency.
  • Better visualization tools: New tools for visualizing SVN repository changes and history are being developed, providing more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Scalability and performance


  • Large file support: Git’s support for large files is improving with solutions like Git Large File Storage (LFS), allowing teams to handle big binary files more efficiently.
  • Faster operations: Continuous optimizations in Git’s core functionality aim to speed up operations, especially in large repositories with extensive commit histories.


  • Enhanced scalability: SVN is being optimized for better performance in large-scale projects, with improvements in repository handling and faster commit operations.
  • Distributed options: While SVN remains primarily centralized, there is ongoing research into hybrid models that could offer some distributed features without losing the benefits of a central repository.

Integration with modern development practices


  • DevOps integration: Git is at the forefront of the DevOps movement, with tight integration into CI/CD pipelines, infrastructure as code (IaC) tools, and automated deployment systems.
  • Microservices support: Git’s branching and tagging capabilities are being leveraged to manage microservices architectures, enabling better isolation and version control of individual services.


  • Cloud integration: SVN is being adapted to better integrate with cloud-based development environments, making it easier to manage repositories hosted on platforms like AWS and Azure.
  • Containerized development: SVN is being incorporated into containerized development workflows, ensuring that version control works seamlessly within Docker and Kubernetes environments.

By staying abreast of these trends, teams can ensure they are leveraging the latest advancements in version control to optimize their development processes and maintain a competitive edge. Whether using Git, SVN, or exploring new systems, the future of version control promises to bring even more efficiency, collaboration, and innovation to software development.

Alternatives to Git

While Git is widely popular and versatile, there are several alternatives that might suit different team needs or project requirements. Here’s a look at some of the notable alternatives to Git:

Git vs. GitHub

GitHub is a cloud-based platform that hosts Git repositories and facilitates collaboration.


  • Service scope: Git is a version control system that allows users to edit, change, and track their code repository. GitHub, on the other hand, is a cloud-based host for Git repositories, enabling easier management and collaboration.
  • Collaboration: GitHub allows team members to make simultaneous edits without affecting the trunk. Developers can copy the code from GitHub to their local machines, make changes, and then push or pull updates to reintegrate branches.
  • Open source projects: GitHub excels in supporting open-source projects. It allows anyone on the platform to create branches, make edits, and share code with the community.

Git vs. Perforce Helix Core

Perforce Helix Core is a centralized version control system that excels in managing large-scale projects and non-code assets.


  • Centralization: Unlike the decentralized nature of Git, Perforce is centralized, with all developers making edits to a single master branch on a central server.
  • Asset management: Perforce handles both code and non-code assets (e.g., graphics, binaries) efficiently, making it suitable for projects involving a variety of file types.
  • Scalability: Perforce is designed for large enterprises, providing robust performance and handling of extensive project histories.

Git vs. Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC)

Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC) is part of Microsoft’s Azure DevOps suite and is a centralized version control system.


  • Centralization: TFVC, like Perforce, is centralized, storing all versions of code on a main server accessible to all developers.
  • Single-point codebase: Centralized nature increases the risk of breaking the trunk with a single error, as changes cannot be tested locally before committing to the main server.
  • Integration: TFVC integrates well with other Microsoft tools, offering a cohesive environment for development and project management.

Git vs. Mercurial

Mercurial is a distributed version control system similar to Git but with some distinct differences.


  • Distributed nature: Both Git and Mercurial are distributed, allowing developers to have full copies of the repository and work offline.
  • Branch management: Mercurial permanently stores each branch into commits, making it impossible to remove or edit past work. This can lead to a more cluttered history and potential issues if bugs are pushed to production.
  • Simplicity: Mercurial is often considered easier to learn and use compared to Git, which may have a steeper learning curve.

Alternatives to SVN

While SVN remains a popular choice for many teams, especially those with centralized workflows, there are several alternatives that might suit the needs of different projects or organizations. Here are some of the notable alternatives to SVN:

SVN vs. Perforce Helix Core

Perforce Helix Core is a centralized version control system similar to SVN but with enhanced features that cater to large-scale enterprises and projects with significant binary assets.


  • Centralization: Like SVN, Perforce is centralized, meaning it stores all project files in a central repository accessible to all team members.
  • Performance: Perforce is optimized for performance, handling large files and extensive histories more efficiently than SVN.
  • Asset management: Perforce excels in managing both code and non-code assets (e.g., graphics, binaries), making it ideal for projects that involve various types of files.
  • Branching and merging: Perforce offers advanced branching and merging capabilities, which can handle more complex workflows than SVN.

SVN vs. Mercurial

Mercurial is a distributed version control system (DVCS) that offers many of the same benefits as Git but with a simpler and more straightforward interface.


  • Distributed nature: Unlike SVN, Mercurial is distributed, meaning every developer has a full copy of the repository, which provides better redundancy and offline capabilities.
  • Ease of use: Mercurial is often considered easier to use than Git, making it a good option for teams looking to transition from SVN to a distributed system without a steep learning curve.
  • Performance: Mercurial handles large projects efficiently, with fast performance for common operations like commits and merges.

SVN vs. Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC)

Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC), part of Microsoft’s Azure DevOps suite, is a centralized version control system designed for large, enterprise-level projects.


  • Centralized system: Similar to SVN, TFVC uses a central repository where all files are stored and managed.
  • Integration with Microsoft ecosystem: TFVC integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft tools and services, providing a cohesive environment for development, project management, and CI/CD.
  • Scalability: TFVC is designed to handle large codebases and extensive development histories, making it suitable for enterprise environments.

SVN vs. ClearCase

IBM ClearCase is a sophisticated version control system that supports both centralized and distributed configurations, providing flexible options for various project needs.


  • Flexible configurations: ClearCase can operate in both centralized and distributed modes, offering flexibility in how projects are managed.
  • Advanced features: ClearCase includes advanced features like fine-grained access control, extensive branching and merging capabilities, and robust build and release management.
  • Complexity and cost: While powerful, ClearCase is also complex and often more costly than other options, which can be a barrier for smaller teams or projects.

SVN vs. Fossil

Fossil is a distributed version control system that includes integrated bug tracking, wiki, and web interface features, making it a self-contained project management tool.


  • Distributed nature: Like Git and Mercurial, Fossil is distributed, providing each developer with a full copy of the repository.
  • Integrated tools: Fossil’s built-in bug tracking, wiki, and web interface offer a comprehensive project management solution, reducing the need for additional tools.
  • Simplicity: Fossil is designed to be simple and easy to use, with a focus on providing all essential project management features in a single package.

Why choose Git or SVN for version control

With all of those alternatives in mind, let’s explore why Git and SVN (Subversion) still stand out among these options due to their unique features and benefits.

Git: The power of decentralization

  1. Distributed nature:
    • Local repositories: Every developer has a full copy of the repository, allowing for complete history and offline work, unlike Perforce and TFVC which are centralized.
    • Enhanced redundancy: No single point of failure; work continues even if the central server is down.
  2. Speed and performance:
    • Fast operations: Local operations are faster as they don’t require network access, unlike centralized systems.
    • Efficient branching and merging: Supports complex workflows with quick and efficient branching and merging, superior to Mercurial in terms of flexibility.
  3. Flexibility and control:
    • Branching model: Supports various branching models to fit different workflows, offering more control than ClearCase.

SVN: The reliability of centralization

  1. Centralized control:
    • Single repository: All files and history stored on a central server, providing consistency and simplicity, unlike the distributed nature of Git and Mercurial.
    • Structured workflow: Simplifies management with a linear development workflow, easier for teams transitioning from other centralized systems like TFVC.
  2. Ease of use:
    • User-Friendly: More intuitive commands and structure, making it accessible for new users compared to the complexity of ClearCase and Perforce.
  3. Proven stability:
    • Mature and Stable: Trusted for its reliability and robustness, providing a more stable option compared to the evolving trends in distributed systems like Fossil.


Git offers unmatched flexibility, speed, and redundancy with its distributed system, making it ideal for modern, collaborative development projects. SVN provides a straightforward, stable, and centralized approach, perfect for teams that prioritize simplicity and structured workflows. Both systems are highly reliable and well-supported, making them the top choices for version control.

All-in-one project management software

Whether your team uses Git, SVN, or another alternative, you’ll benefit from being able to track and review your code for better releases. Just be sure to choose project management software that supports issue tracking, version control, and bug tracking so you can properly track that work over time.

Our own project management software Backlog integrates fully with Git and SVN, providing your team the ability to set up private repositories, propose and compare code changes, leave in-line comments on code, and document your work with wikis. With Kanban-style Boards, you can track all of your issues in one place and move them between statuses with a simple drag and drop. You can try it yourself with our 30-day free trial; no credit card required.

This post was originally published on April 4, 2018, and updated most recently on May 23, 2024.



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