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8 steps for a successful collaboration marketing campaign

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Guest Post

July 25, 2024

Making your business stand out from the crowd isn’t easy. In fact, according to a recent report, 60% of marketers say that finding new customers is their biggest challenge. 

But what if you didn’t have to go it alone? What if you could team up with others to achieve more than you could on your own? That’s where collaboration marketing comes in.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the ins and outs of collaboration marketing. We’ll show you how to select the right partners, plan collaborative campaigns, and measure the success of these campaigns. Let’s get started!

What is collaboration marketing?

Collaboration marketing (also known as collaborative marketing or co-marketing) is when two brands team up to create joint marketing materials or campaigns. It’s a strategic partnership where brands come together to offer a unique product or service that they couldn’t provide on their own. Sometimes, one of these brands might be a celebrity or influencer. Other times, the collaboration might be an event.

Let’s see this in action. Imagine you work at an e-commerce beauty company. Maybe you partner with a popular skincare influencer to create a special skincare kit. They pick their top products, you add your bestsellers, and hey presto! You get to tap into their fans and bring in new customers while creating buzz in the beauty world. 

Or, you could team up with a wellness studio to launch a beauty and wellness event that draws in health-conscious consumers looking for holistic solutions.

But collaborative marketing doesn’t just work for consumer brands. It’s also great for B2B companies. Take a content marketing agency like Accelerate SEO agency. They could team up with a software company for a webinar on the latest SEO trends. Together, they share expertise and reach more people — it’s a win-win.

Benefits of collaboration marketing 

Here are the top benefits of a well-thought-out collaboration marketing strategy:

  • Expanded reach: By teaming up with another brand, you can reach new audiences that you may not have been able to access on your own. For example, if you’re a marketing manager for a sports clothing company, teaming up with a popular fitness influencer could introduce your brand to their loyal community of gym-loving, fitness-fanatic followers.
  • Cost efficiency: Sharing costs with a partner can make marketing campaigns more affordable and effective, especially for smaller businesses. And, with nearly 60% of marketers saying their budget is under a microscope these days, teaming up lets you stretch those dollars and really make them count in the market.
  • Enhanced credibility: Partnering with respected brands or influencers boosts your credentials. Just consider this: 63% of consumers say the influencers they follow and trust do genuinely influence their buying choices and nearly half look to them for product recommendations. This kind of collaboration builds trust and keeps customers coming back for more.
  • Creative synergy: Combining ideas and resources with another brand can lead to innovative campaigns and products that stand out in the market. Say you’re an SaaS company specializing in project management software, for example. By teaming up with a leading IaaS provider, you could create a seamless integration that enhances cloud-based project efficiency. It’s a collaboration that not only meets the needs of tech-savvy clients exploring examples of SaaS, IaaS, and PaaS but also sets your product apart in the competitive software market.
  • Market differentiation: Collaborating lets you stand out. By offering unique joint products or services, you set yourself apart from competitors and attract more attention in the crowded market. 

8 steps for a successful collaborative marketing campaign

It’s now time to get practical. Here are eight simple steps you’ll need to take to get started on your collaboration marketing strategy. 

Step 1: Know your goals

Do you want to reach more people? Boost sales? Or maybe you want to break into a completely new market. 

Getting clear on what you want out of this collaborative marketing campaign is your first step. Whether it’s getting your brand’s name out there, driving more clicks to your site, or expanding your customer base, knowing your goals sets the tone for a killer collaboration. 

So, ask yourself: What’s the big win for your brand? When you’ve got that sorted, you’ll be ready to move onto step two. 

Step 2: Find the right partner

Now that you’ve nailed down your goals, it’s time to find the perfect brand to partner with. For a successful collaboration, your brand and your partner’s brand need to really click. Here’s what to look for:

  • Shared brand values: When you both believe in similar things, it reinforces your strengths and minimizes your weaknesses. Plus, it makes brainstorming and working together a breeze because you’re on the same wavelength. 
  • Shared audiences: Think of it like having fans in common. When your audiences are similar in what they want and like, collaborating lets you reach more of them together. It’s like casting a wider net than you could on your own.
  • Complementary products/services: It’s best when what you offer complements each other but doesn’t clash. That way, the partnership makes sense without confusing your customers. There are exceptions, of course, but careful planning is key.
  • Mutually beneficial goals: Both brands should gain something special from working together. That something special is a goal (or goals) that neither of them could achieve alone. 

Step 3: Come up with a cool idea 

Once you’ve decided you want to team up with someone, it’s brainstorming time. You’ll need to think of a unique idea that’s going to impress them. To find some inspiration, check out these brilliant examples.

Example 1: Sabrina Carpenter x Blank Street Coffee Collab

Screenshot sourced from Instagram

Guess what Sabrina Carpenter did to hype up her hit song “Espresso”? She rocked up at a Blank Street coffee shop, not to perform but to pull a shift as a barista. 

She delighted fans with free espressos and Blank Street’s tasty drinks, creating buzz as her chart-topping single continued to dominate the UK charts.

This collaboration was a win-win. Sabrina engaged directly with her fans in a fun, unexpected way, while Blank Street benefited from increased foot traffic and excitement. It’s a perfect example of how partnering with a popular influencer or celebrity can boost business.

Example 2: Heinz x Absolut Tomato Vodka Pasta Sauce

Image sourced from

Heinz and Absolut teamed up for a limited-edition tomato vodka pasta sauce that’s pure culinary genius. They took Heinz’s pasta sauce know-how and mixed it with Absolut’s smooth vodka to create a rich, creamy sauce that screams gourmet.

This collaboration nails it because of how the products complement each other. It’s not just about taste. Heinz gets a standout new product, and Absolut gets to showcase its vodka in a whole new light. 

It’s important to note that you don’t need a huge name or a big budget to make collaboration marketing work for your business. Here are some small business collaboration ideas any marketing project manager can try out:

  • Pair up with a nearby business for joint promotions. Think coffee shops and bookstore combos or gym and smoothie joint discounts.
  • Team up with like-minded businesses on socials. Share each other’s posts or run cool giveaways together to boost your reach.
  • Host a killer event or workshop with a brand that vibes with yours. 
  • Create awesome product bundles with another company. For example, you could offer spa day kits with skincare, makeup, and bath brands. 
  • Share pop-up shop space. Test new markets without long-term commitment.

Step 4: Pitch your idea to your partner

Now, before you start pitching, be sure to do your homework. Learn all you can about your partner’s company and who their fans are. You’re going to want to tailor your pitch to what you know will catch their eye and make it super clear why teaming up with you is a great idea. 

When you’re pitching to a potential partner, you might feel like the little fish trying to impress the big fish. To swing things your way, go the extra mile to show them why they’d be crazy not to jump on board with you. 

On the other hand, If you’re the one being pitched to, stay open to ideas. Even if the person pitching isn’t a pro, don’t brush them off right away. If it’s not the right fit now, be straight about it. But if their idea sparks something in you, keep them on your radar for future collaborations. 

Step 5: Make a formal agreement

Just like in any business deal, you’re going to want to make your co-marketing partnership official. That means getting it down in writing, in an agreement you both sign. Having everything on paper from the get-go gives you something to refer back to if there are any hiccups or misunderstandings along the way. Here’s what you’ll want to include:

  • What you’re teaming up for/the creative strategy outline
  • How long it’ll take
  • What you both want to achieve
  • Who’s making what content, and who owns it
  • Where the content will live and how you’ll share it
  • How you’ll share any leads you get
  • When and how you’ll promote everything

Step 6: Begin execution

You’ve hashed out the plan with your partner, so now it’s time to make things happen. Maybe you’re drafting up some great copy while they’re tweaking the website to perfection. Or perhaps you’re both jumping in on everything together. Either way, regular check-ins and updates are key. Using project management software can be a massive help here as it’ll allow you to stay on track of what you need to do.

It’s really important to remain flexible here. Things might not always go as planned, but that’s where teamwork shines. Be ready to pivot if needed and support each other through the process. The goal here is to bring your collaboration to life in a way that dazzles your audience and makes both brands shine. 

Step 7: Launch and promote your campaign

It’s finally launch day, and it’s time to shout your collaboration from the rooftops. Coordinate with your partner to sync up your social media blasts, email blasts, and any other promotional tactics you’ve prepared. You want this campaign to hit your audience from every angle.

Tag teaming on promotions is key. Make sure both brands are front and center in every promo piece so your audience knows it’s a joint effort. Whether it’s a catchy hashtag, an engaging influencer post, or a live event, make sure you’re both giving it your all to drive traffic and buzz.

Step 8: Evaluate your campaign’s impact

Now that your campaign is out in the wild, keep a close eye on your metrics (we’re talking clicks, shares, sales, retention, and the like) to see how your audience is responding. Compare these numbers to your usual benchmarks to gauge if you’re hitting your goals.

Tools like Google Analytics are amazing here. They’ll give you insights into who’s engaging with your content, where they’re coming from, and what’s resonating most. Use this data to tweak your strategy and maximize your impact.

But it’s not just about numbers and metrics. Take a step back and ask yourself the big questions. Did the campaign achieve what you set out to do? What worked well, and what could you do better next time? This reflection is really important for learning and growing. Also, share these insights with your partner. Because the aim of the game is to learn together and build stronger campaigns in the future.

Final thoughts

So there you have it. Our complete guide on collaborative marketing, packed with all the tips and tricks you need to rock your next partnership. 

Remember, it’s all about teamwork, creativity, and making waves together. Whether you’re a big shot or a small fry, collaboration can take your brand to new heights. So go ahead, find your perfect match, and let the magic happen. 

Author bio

Nick Brown is the founder and CEO of Accelerate Agency, a SaaS SEO agency. Nick has launched several successful online businesses, writes for Forbes, published a book and has grown accelerate from a UK-based agency to a company that now operates across US, APAC and EMEA.



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