- Release notes
- The results of Backlog Kaizen Week 2015 are out!
Release Information
Dear Backlog users,
Backlog has been updated lately. In this update, we have added some new functionalities as well as made several improvements to existing ones.
At the start of June, we held the Backlog Kaizen Week which saw more than 60 improvements, big and small, applied to the service today.
What is Backlog Kaizen Week?
Kaizen, 改善 ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaizen ), is a Japanese term for improvement and change. In what we call the Backlog Kaizen Week, all Nulab developers come together to join the Backlog team in improving Backlog. For one entire week, all our developers worked on nothing else except Backlog, planning and implementing changes on existing Backlog features.
List of Improvements
Curious about all the little improvements we have made? Take a look at the list below and head on over to Backlog to experience them yourself!
- In the “Notify comment” field, you can quickly select all the participants of an issue (previous assignees, commenters, and etc.).
- When you chose an “assignee”, the current or previous assignee for that issue will appear at the top of the user list.
- Resolved: the initial click didn’t work if you deleted “Users who you want to notify comment to.”
- Modify the window size when you add a child issue.
- In the list of child issues, the file icon appears when a file attached.
- Closed child issues won’t appear in the list of child issues.
- Change the status of each issue while editing them.
- Quote the details of an issue in the comments.
- When you leave a comment in the section of “Change status” in the side bar, it won’t automatically scroll down to the bottom of screen.
- The name of a custom attribute won’t wrap if it is too long.
- An error message will appear when you upload a milestone that you already deleted.
- When you scroll through the selection box, you won’t accidentally scroll down the browser window.
- Bug Fixed: date format (YYYY/MM/DD) appeared incorrectly when page first loads.
- Bug Fixed: delayed loading of the issue description.
- Bug Fixed: parent issue key was not linked in the comment when you change the parent issue.
- Bug Fixed: the word “cancel” wrapped when you added a file.
- Wikis that have been deleted will appear in the list as dead links.
- Create new wikis from copies of existing ones.
- Toolbar design is now more user-friendly.
- Resolved: New wiki’s content was missing when you saw the preview in IE.
- Bug Fixed: when bullet points and numbered lists mixed together, bullet points became numbers.
- Bug Fixed: couldn’t choose the font when exporting PDF.
- Bug Fixed: couldn’t export PDF in Korean.
- Revised explanation in the English language version.
Notations (format)
- Checklist formats were added.
- Markdown inline format code assistance is available.
- Resolved: strikethrough tool now works on multiple lines.
Update filtered issues all at once
- Resolved: difficult to see where issues displayed on the right where in the list on the left. (Issue key on the right was linked to the issue.)
- Members section added to search bar results.
- In the list of “Recently Viewed Issues”, hovering reveals a button to copy the issue key and subject.
- Bug Fixed: keyword search didn’t work in IE.
Gantt chart
- Longer retention period of groupings such as display settings.
- Detail popup has a copy button for the issue key and subject.
- Resolved: Gantt appeared to protrude from the scale.
- If you have used up most of the available space in Backlog, the current usage rate will be displayed (note: this is only available for administrator).
- Filtered by permissions/roles.
- Sort by their nick name and e-mail address.
- Choose a group when adding a new user.
- Resolved: icon design had collapsed a little when you added users.
- Search feature added to find projects when adding users. (Useful when you have a long list of projects.)
- New groups added to the bottom of the list of groups.
- Resolved: typing more than 20 characters for a group name disabled the registration button. (Now you are not able to type over this limit).
Project member
- Button to assign the project manager moved to the top of the user list for easier access.
- Bug Fixed: couldn’t sort members by the date they joined.
Project settings
- Project administrators can add other project administrators.
- Enhanced speed of member search feature.
- Login button was added to the Backlog website.
- Bug Fixed: hovering over the user icon displayed a description in Japanese (even if the language setting was not Japanese) in the latest update of Git.
- Resolved: could not add stars from Backlog on the iPad.
- Improved the contents of Star mail (email received when you are awarded stars in Backlog).
- Resolved: Password expiration reminder previously displayed error screen.
- Easier for users to add a star in Android.
- In the setting of the language and time zone, English typo was fixed.
- APK file icon was added.
We are working towards making more improvements and introducing new features that you have requested in the near future. In the mean time, hope you enjoy these little improvements!