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- Voting with Sticky Notes Template
Voting with Sticky Notes Template

Uses of Voting with Sticky Notes Templates
The voting with sticky notes template can help your team make decisions in a way that ensures everyone’s voice is heard. Use it when trying to decide between different options or to prioritize a list of action items.

How to create your Voting with Sticky Notes Template
Open the voting with sticky notes template in Cacoo.
Before the meeting, assign all participants a sticky note color by adding their name and avatar to the diagram.
Check that the options you’re putting up to vote are distinct. If they’re too similar, it will be challenging to reach a consensus.
Once everyone’s together, communicate what you’ll be voting on and if there are any rules including the number of votes per person and time constraints.
Have everyone vote by placing their sticky note onto the diagram. There should be no conversation at this time.
Count the votes, and discuss the winning options. If there’s a tie or still too many options, put them up for a revote.
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