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Why effective organizational communication should be your top priority

Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

November 17, 2023

In modern business, effective organizational communication isn’t just a virtue—it’s a strategic imperative. It serves as the glue that binds teams, departments, and leadership together, fostering a collaborative environment that propels the entire enterprise forward. The importance of clear, transparent communication reverberates throughout every facet of an organization, influencing its culture, performance, and ultimate success.

Picture this: a workplace where information flows seamlessly, ideas are exchanged effortlessly, and every team member is on the same page. Contrast that with an environment marred by miscommunication, where directives are unclear, collaboration falters, and frustration mounts. The disparity is stark, underscoring the critical role that effective organizational communication plays in shaping the destiny of a business.

From bolstering employee engagement and morale to enhancing problem-solving and innovation, the dividends of investing in robust communication practices are manifold. Join us to understand why it is the linchpin of thriving enterprises.

What is organizational communication?

Organizational communication refers to the flow of information within a company or any structured group. It encompasses the exchange of formal and informal messages among individuals and various levels of the organization. Effective organizational communication is crucial for the smooth functioning of a company, as it influences decision-making, problem-solving, employee morale, and overall productivity.

Key components of organizational communication include:

  • Formal Communication involves official channels and follows the established hierarchy. This includes memos, official meetings, reports, and company newsletters.
  • Informal Communication takes place through unofficial channels and is often spontaneous. Examples include water cooler conversations, chats, and social interactions among employees.
  • Internal Communication focuses on communication within the organization, ensuring employees are well-informed about company policies, goals, and changes.
  • External Communication involves interactions with entities outside the organization, such as customers, suppliers, and the public. It includes marketing, public relations, and customer support.
  • Downward Communication flows from higher levels of management to lower levels. This includes instructions, goals, and performance feedback.
  • Upward Communication involves information moving from lower to higher levels of the organization. Employees provide feedback, suggestions, and reports to management.
  • Lateral Communication occurs between individuals or departments at the same hierarchical level. It facilitates collaboration and coordination between different units.

Examples of organizational communication

Effective organizational communication manifests in various forms, each contributing to the seamless operation of a business. Here are some illustrative examples:

  • Email Communication: Utilized for formal announcements, project updates, and one-on-one correspondence, email remains a cornerstone of organizational communication. Clear, concise, and timely emails enhance information flow.
  • Team Meetings and Huddles: Regular team meetings and huddles provide platforms for real-time discussions, idea exchange, and collaborative decision-making. They foster a sense of unity and alignment among team members.
  • Internal Messaging Platforms: Modern workplaces often leverage internal messaging apps like Slack or Microsoft Teams for quick, informal communication. These platforms facilitate instant messaging, file sharing, and team collaboration.
  • Intranets & Wikis: Intranet portals and wikis serve as centralized hubs for organizational information. They host documents, policies, and updates, ensuring employees easily access essential resources.
  • Company Newsletters: Periodic newsletters inform employees about company updates, achievements, and upcoming events. They contribute to a shared organizational narrative and promote a sense of belonging.
  • Project Management Tools: Project platforms, like Backlog, streamline project communication by consolidating tasks, timelines, and discussions in one place. This ensures that project-related information is easily accessible to all team members.
  • Video Conferencing: Virtual meetings through platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Cacoo‘s video chat facilitate face-to-face communication, even in remote work setups. Video conferencing adds a personal touch to interactions.
  • Employee Surveys and Feedback Channels: Establishing channels for employee feedback and surveys fosters a culture of open communication. It provides insights into employee sentiments, concerns, and suggestions.

This is not an exhaustive list of the diverse ways effective organizational communication can be implemented.

Eight benefits of good organizational communication

For an organization to succeed, it should not only keep an open line of communication between managers, employees, stakeholders, and the community, but it should also have a strategy to ensure communication is effective, consistent, and aligned with business objectives.

It requires planning, time, and potentially a little investment — but the payoff is huge. Here are just some of the benefits.

  1. Enhanced Trust and Engagement: A culture of transparent communication cultivates trust among all stakeholders, fostering a sense of engagement and commitment. Trust becomes the bedrock on which collaborative efforts thrive.
  2. Amplified Employee Voice: Providing employees with a platform for expression ensures their voices are heard. This valuable feedback loop becomes a wellspring of insights, offering the organization the necessary input for continuous improvement and growth.
  3. Strengthened Interpersonal Bonds: Effective communication weaves a tapestry of strong interpersonal relationships among team members. Strengthened connections contribute to heightened loyalty, as individuals feel valued and connected within the organizational fabric.
  4. Mitigated Misinformation and Misunderstanding: A well-structured communication framework acts as a shield against the dissemination of misinformation. By reducing misunderstandings, the organization curtails demotivation and mitigates potential grievances.
  5. Clarification of Mission and Vision: Clear and consistent communication elucidates the company’s mission and vision, ensuring that every member comprehends their role in achieving organizational goals. This shared understanding enhances individual and collective motivation.
  6. Heightened Operational Efficiency: Effective communication streamlines operational processes, minimizing the risk of errors resulting from misinformation. The resulting efficiency not only saves time but also prevents potentially costly mistakes.
  7. Boosted Innovation and Problem-Solving: A culture of open communication nurtures an environment where innovative ideas and solutions can flourish. Collaboration and shared insights pave the way for creative problem-solving and continuous organizational improvement.
  8. Crisis Preparedness and Management: In times of crisis, a well-established communication strategy becomes a lifeline. Transparent and timely communication helps manage crises effectively, reassuring stakeholders and guiding the organization through turbulent times.

How to build an effective communication strategy

Crafting a robust communication strategy requires thoughtful planning and execution. Whether you’re leading a large corporation or a small startup, these steps will guide you in developing a communication plan that resonates with your team and aligns with your organizational objectives.

1. Communicate regularly & consistently

Whatever level of communication you commit to, ensure it’s consistent—consistent intervals, consistent mediums, consistent messaging, etc. When communication is sporadic or sends mixed signals/expectations to employees, it’s doing more harm than good.

So, if you’re a CEO, you may want to arrange at least four company-wide meetings a year (one for each quarter), each with a similar format that allows time for feedback and questions during and after. If you’re a manager, you may want to schedule monthly or weekly check-ins with individuals but find daily standup meetings more effective for teams. The point is to set out a consistent plan for your minimum level of communication and stick to it.

2. Keep it on-brand

Establishing the right voice is tricky, whether you work in a large organization or a small startup. But getting it right is essential to building a sense of continuity and trust within the company.

The CEO should set the tone and ensure all messaging aligns with the organization’s vision and culture. This may require coaching and regular training sessions to ensure the managers’ spoken and written communication skills are up to scratch and that they know the company’s vision and communication policies.

After the information has been relayed to the appropriate individuals, it’s then their responsibility to provide feedback through the pre-agreed channels, which their managers should define.

3. Work out who your audience is

While it’s important to keep everyone informed, that’s not to say everyone needs to know everything in real time. You should present information to the right audience at the right time.

For example, say your organization realizes it’s time to cut costs. If your staff hears this information without context, they’re liable to jump to conclusions. Despite the solution you find (which could be as simple as, for example, spending less money on equipment), your staff will have residual mistrust and anxiety. Even worse, you could see higher turnover as workers misinterpret their presumed level of job security.

This can be avoided with proper planning, messaging, and timing. For sensitive messages like this, the most effective communication strategy is top-down. The CEO should first inform top-level managers, who filter the messages to their teams. This ensures information filters down in a controlled, consistent manner.

4. Consider your audience size, location, and demographic

When choosing your audience, you must consider who they are, where they are, and how they may want to receive the information.

For example, if you anticipate lots of audience interaction and questions, smaller groups are better so every question can be appropriately addressed. When the information is more one-way, such as a company update or some positive news, a larger audience is fine.

With global organizations, it’s essential to plan so offices in different time zones receive information clearly and at the same time as everyone else. You should also consider how you will ensure your communication considers cultural differences.

5. Choose the right methods

Communication options have grown massively over the past 20 years. But with a boom in options comes a layer of complexity. Now, organizations must consider the most appropriate method and ensure this strategy is followed consistently. Here’s a quick run-through of the most popular methods available today:

6. Make it two-way

Last but not least, make communication two-way. Showing you’re listening to and acting on feedback makes individuals feel valued. Ensure communication between employees, stakeholders, and community members can flow freely.

And don’t fear the feedback: it can provide managers with essential insights into the business and their team’s health. Employees often spot things busy managers overlook, whether that’s a new opportunity, a more effective way of doing things, or a problem that needs solving.

To encourage honest feedback, show people they can voice their opinions without negative repercussions via a medium that feels comfortable for them — face-to-face, on the phone, or via video chat. Embracing technology and widening the channels of communication available improves the flow of collaboration and makes it easier for everyone to communicate in a way that works best for them.

Improving organization communication

In refining organizational communication, having the right collaboration tools is paramount. Tools like Backlog and Cacoo facilitate seamless communication and collaboration, ensuring teams can share information, provide feedback, and engage in a way that suits their preferences. Investing in the right tools complements an effective communication strategy, promoting a collaborative environment for organizational success.

This post was originally published on April 25, 2019, and updated most recently on November 17, 2023.



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