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  7. Pull requests in Backlog
GuidesSoftware DevelopmentBacklog

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Pull requests in Backlog

Below is an example list of pull requests in Backlog. The software lets you quickly see which pull requests are open, making it easy for team members to review them.

Pull request list in Backlog, a Git hosting service with bug tracking features
Pull request list in Backlog, Nulab’s Git hosting service with bug tracking features.

Each pull request has its own page where you can find the pull request description along with tabs for viewing comments (shown in the picture below), commits, and files.

Pull request comments in Backlog
Pull request comments in Backlog.

The creator and reviewer of a pull request can have discussions right on the page using comments, which are recorded on the server so anyone can revisit them.

You can also commit and push changes to a specific branch. The pushed commit will automatically reflect in the pull request.

On the source code tab, you’ll find all changes to the source code. The pull request creator can also add notes about their goal for the source code and provide supplementary information to inform the reviewer. The difference viewer displays modified lines highlighted in red (removed) or green (added.)

Changes are highlighted in the source code

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