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Persona Chart

Target potential clients better than any competitor with Cacoo’s Persona Chart. The sticky note format makes it easy to visualize customer goals, motivations, and buying habits for deeper analysis.
Persona Chart

Uses of Persona Charts

The main purpose of a customer persona chart is to help business teams identify the right strategies to attract their desired customers. Buyers all have different reasons for making a purchase, and their decisions are affected by factors like age, budget, brand/product knowledge, and location.

Any business can benefit from using a persona chart for marketing and sales. Common applications include:

  • Developing a targeting strategy for a new business
  • Improving the sales cycle or customer journey
  • Increasing sales and retention in existing customer segments
  • Deciding which marketing channels to invest in more
  • Identifying opportunities to reach overlooked customer segments

A persona provides a breakdown of buying attributes for an ideal customer from a target segment of your audience. For example, if your business sells instruments, the buying behavior of a professional musician will be much different than a parent shopping for a child. By creating multiple personas, you can improve how you target each customer segment.

Persona Chart

How to create your own Persona Chart

With a Cacoo template, you can quickly create multiple customer personas to define different types of ideal clients. Follow these steps to make your own.

Open the Persona Chart template in Cacoo.


Fill in the sticky notes in each section with descriptions that define the ideal customer’s motivations, pain points, influences, etc.


If necessary, add more sections to further customize the persona. You can also drag additional sticky notes into the diagram to include more attributes.


Collaborate with others to get the most detailed overview of your target customer. Once finished, you should have a well-defined persona to steer your marketing strategy.

Do you plan to create several customer personas? Add a sheet for each diagram to keep all the information organized in one place.

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