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  4. Git tutorial
  5. How to use Git
  6. How to use pull requests in Git
  7. Resolve a pull request conflict
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Resolve a pull request conflict

Let’s merge the branch that we’re working on and the target branch for the pull request to be pulled (in this case, the main branch).

First, pull the main branch.

$ git pull origin main

Next, resolve the conflict locally.

// sort.js
var sortNumber = function (number) {
    number.sort(function (a, b) {
<<<<<<< HEAD
      if (a === b) {
      if (a == b) {
>>>>>>> add-sort-func2
          return 0;
      return a < b ? -1 : 1;

var number = [19, 3, 81, 1, 24, 21];

Above ======= is the local repository, and below is the remote repository. This time, keep the code of the local repository and delete the remote repository because the former will make better code.

// sort.js
  var sortNumber = function (number) {
      number.sort(function (a, b) {
          if (a === b) {
              return 0;
          return a < b ? -1 : 1;

  var number = [19, 3, 81, 1, 24, 21];

Next, commit and push the modified source code again.

$ git add sort.js
$ git commit -m ""
$ git push origin add-sort-func2
  "Conflict resolved"

The conflict has been resolved! You can now merge.

The conflict has been resolved

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