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A guide to project management for video marketing 

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Guest Post

January 29, 2024

In a digital age where a million other things are vying for people’s attention, how can you keep your potential customers hooked long enough to lead to conversion? The answer lies in video marketing.

A study found that 91% of successful business owners incorporate video marketing into their business strategies. However, the same study states that 15% of marketers don’t use videos because they don’t know where to start.

Do you belong to the latter group of marketers who want to learn how to better manage video production? As organizations increasingly recognize the impact of video content, effective project management is crucial to ensure the seamless execution of video marketing campaigns.

Join us as we explore key strategies, best practices, and essential insights to navigate the complexities of video marketing project management. Let’s dive in!

Project management skills for video marketing

Video marketing projects encompass various stages, such as conceptualization, scripting, filming, editing, and post-production. Project managers in the realm of video marketing play a pivotal role in orchestrating the collaborative efforts of creative, technical, and logistical teams.

Strategic planning

At the core of any successful video marketing endeavor is strategic planning. Project managers are tasked with working closely with creative teams to define project objectives, identify target audiences, and craft a compelling narrative. Understanding the client’s vision and aligning it with achievable goals is a fundamental step in this process. A robust project plan should outline timelines, milestones, and resource requirements, serving as a guiding framework for the entire team.

Resource allocation

Efficient video production demands a diverse set of skills, from scriptwriting to videography, editing, and post-production. Project managers must master the art of resource allocation, ensuring that the right team members with the appropriate expertise are assigned to each task.

Budget management

Budget management is a critical aspect of project management in video marketing. Project managers must strike the right balance between creative aspirations and financial constraints. Decisions related to equipment, talent, and post-production elements must be made judiciously to ensure that the project stays within budget while delivering content that meets or exceeds quality expectations.

Risk mitigation

The landscape of video production is notoriously challenging, with last-minute issues ranging from technical glitches to unexpected changes in creative direction. A core responsibility of project managers is to identify potential risks early on and develop robust contingency plans. Whether it’s mitigating technical issues, adapting to sudden changes in the creative vision, or navigating external factors such as weather conditions during outdoor shoots, a proactive approach to risk management is essential for maintaining project momentum.

Quality assurance

In the competitive realm of video marketing, quality is non-negotiable. Project managers must implement rigorous quality assurance processes at every stage of the project. Regular reviews, feedback loops, and meticulous testing ensure that the final product aligns with the client’s vision and meets industry standards. Quality assurance is not just a final checkpoint but an ongoing process that elevates the standard of the project from inception to delivery.


From project management software to video conferencing platforms, project managers must leverage an array of tools to ensure seamless collaboration among team members, especially when dealing with remote or distributed teams.

Adapting to technology

The world of video marketing is in a constant state of evolution, with technological advances shaping both content creation and consumption. Project managers need to stay abreast of emerging technologies, from cutting-edge camera equipment to innovative editing software, ensuring that their teams are equipped with the tools necessary to produce high-quality and visually captivating content. Moreover, embracing trends such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can give video marketing projects a competitive edge.

Client collaboration and feedback

Effective project management in video marketing extends beyond internal collaboration—it also involves a close partnership with clients. Project managers must establish clear communication channels, ensuring that clients are involved in key decision-making processes. Regular updates, presentations, and opportunities for client feedback contribute to a collaborative environment where the final product aligns seamlessly with the client’s expectations.

Strategies for video marketing project management

Project management strategies for video production can be implemented in every step, from pre-production to post-production and delivery. Here are essential tips to help you successfully manage a video production project from start to finish.

1. Clearly define your objectives

Before you call lights, camera, and action, you must set clear objectives for your video production. This enables you to map out a production strategy that produces positive results.

In this pre-production phase, you must also create a budget, estimate project costs, and ensure they align with your objectives.

After that, you and your creative team must answer some questions concerning the project. An essential step in project management for video production is answering the whys and whats. 

  • Why are you embarking on a video production project? Is it to educate your audience, or is it to promote certain products and services?
  • What do you hope to achieve with your videos?
  • Who is your target audience?

You and your creative team members must answer these questions in the pre-production phase. This prevents you from going back and forth, wasting valuable time and resources. 

These questions also set the stage for the tone of your video. It helps you understand your target audience and strategize how to get their attention immediately. 

2. Create a video production schedule

What’s an important rule of successful project management for video production? Don’t wing it.

Regardless of the volume of videos you produce, always create a detailed production schedule. This should include specific dates and times to help you create an accurate timeline for your project.

The best way to create a project schedule is by setting a deadline and working backward from the due date. By doing that, you’ll set realistic deadlines and create enough time to complete the video creation and video editing phases of production. Project tracking software can help you with this.

3. Select a production management tool 

A project management tool plays a pivotal role in the success of video marketing initiatives by providing a structured and organized approach to the complex process of creating and promoting video content. It allows content creators, videographers, editors, and marketing strategists to streamline their workflows, assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in real-time.

With the ability to centralize communication and file sharing, project management tools enhance collaboration, reducing the risk of miscommunication and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Additionally, these tools empower teams to efficiently manage resources, budget, and timelines, thereby optimizing the production process and increasing the likelihood of delivering high-quality, targeted video content that resonates with the target audience. Ultimately, a robust project management tool is an invaluable asset for video marketing, contributing to increased efficiency, better team collaboration, and the successful execution of marketing strategies.

For instance, Backlog helps you create boards where you can easily manage tasks and streamline your workflow. The project management platform also helps you track your progress by creating Gantt charts and Burndown charts where you can visually gauge the timeline of your video production project. You can see various tasks, their current status, and projected completion dates.

4. Centralize your communication

One of the most important aspects of project management is communication. If your team members are not on the same page, things could quickly go wrong. 

To avoid this, you want to ensure everyone clearly understands what to expect, as this will create a cohesive workforce that works like a well-oiled machine. The best way to keep everyone on the same page is by centralizing communication.

While emails are good for some business communications, they may not be as effective for managing video production projects. Hence, using a project management tool for centralized communication is an essential step in project management for video production. 

With Backlog, you can easily centralize all communication while automatically sending notifications to the right people. That way, every team member will be aware of what’s happening at all times, and video production can move forward faster.

5. Review and implement feedback

So, you’ve successfully created your first cut? Great! But your work doesn’t end there. You need to review the draft, seek feedback from your team, and implement the feedback.

You can gather feedback on the efficiency of the professional video editing software and other video production instruments used to create and edit videos.

Don’t expect to get a perfect first draft because you most likely won’t. A great video is created by carrying out constant reviews. 

While doing this, ensure all team members collaborate and give real-time feedback. Video production requires a lot of collaboration. As such, you must work with all team members to find a common ground that leaves everyone satisfied with the work done. 

6. Track your KPIs

Project managers play a pivotal role in defining and tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) that gauge the success of a video marketing project. Metrics such as engagement rates, view counts, conversion rates, and social media metrics provide valuable insights into the impact and reach of the video content. Project managers must collaborate with analytics teams to collect, analyze, and interpret data, enabling continuous improvement and refinement of future projects.

Your video production is only as good as the value it provides to its audience. The best way to gauge this is by measuring its key performance indicators (KPIs). 

How well did the audience connect to your videos? If they did, did you meet the objectives you set at the beginning of the project?  Sometimes, even when you invest in mobile advertising and other forms of marketing, your video may not reach its target audience due to poor execution. Answering these questions will help you to understand if you’ve been able to successfully manage and execute your video production project.

Some important KPIs include likes, shares, views, number of unique impressions, time spent on video, etc. These metrics can give you insights into your videos’ performance and how your audience engaged with your video content. Use these insights to improve your video marketing strategy and streamline the production process.

Don’t forget to get the team together and get everyone’s view on the success of your project. Address any challenges you face and create new strategies to improve your team’s project management. This is one of the most crucial steps in project management for video production, as it helps you tighten any loose ends and create a better plan for your next project. 

7. Professional development

Staying at the forefront of video marketing and project management requires a commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Project managers should actively seek opportunities to enhance their skills, whether through workshops, certifications, or industry conferences. Keeping abreast of industry trends, technological advancements, and emerging best practices ensures that project managers remain effective leaders in the dynamic landscape of video marketing.

Final thoughts

From brainstorming ideas to making sure everyone’s got the right gear and staying within budget, project managers are the unsung heroes of video campaigns.

By combining effective communication, strategic thinking, and adaptability, project managers can successfully guide video projects through the complexities of scriptwriting, filming, editing, and post-production.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of effective project management in video marketing remains integral to turning creative concepts into visual masterpieces.

Author bio

Gaurav Sharma is the founder and CEO of Attrock, a results-driven digital marketing company. He contributes to top publications like HuffPost, Adweek, Business 2 Community, TechCrunch, and more. Connect with Gaurav on LinkedIn.



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