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How to design a better database schema

PostsSoftware development
Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

October 18, 2024

As a developer, creating new apps and features is the highlight of the job. But it’s equally important to recognize the importance of database schemas. Sure, they’re not glamorous, but understanding these structures is an essential component of your development toolkit. 

Here’s why:

  • Efficiency: A well-designed schema boosts app/website performance.
  • Scalability: Proper organization makes it easier to scale up without compromising performance.
  • Success: A good schema can significantly impact the overall success of your app/website.

Think about the chaos of organizing code without a clear structure — it’s a bit like working with data that lacks a solid schema. 

By mastering schemas, you’ll not only elevate your product’s performance but also streamline your development process, making your work more efficient and manageable. Let’s take a closer look at this product developer essential. 

What is a database schema?

A database schema is a plan that shows how app and website data is stored and used. Just like building blueprints show where doors and windows go, the schema shows how product data is organized, which makes it easier to manage. 

The schema includes fields, indexes, and tables, which hold data in rows and columns. Each row is a piece of data, and each column is a type of data. Indexes help you find information within the tables quickly, and constraints set rules that the data must follow to be correct and consistent. The schema also shows how tables are linked through keys, which connect data from different tables. 

TL; DR: A database schema is a blueprint for a database. It guides how to keep data accurate, secure, and easy to manage.

Why do database schemas matter?

Database schemas are important because they help keep data organized and running smoothly. 

This, in turn, improves how quickly and effectively you can retrieve your data, update it, or scale it as needs change. By turning raw data into useful information, schemas support smart decision-making and strategic plans.

Database schemas also make it easier to manage security by controlling who can see or change different parts of the database. This level of control also improves quality and consistency because you’re limiting who can hop in and change things.

Database schemas: 

  • Keep data organized 
  • Ensure consistency, accuracy, and quality 
  • Reduce repetition and error 
  • Speed up data access 
  • Help different systems work together 
  • Help you manage data security thanks to different access options
  • Make it easier to scale up without losing speed or reliability 
  • Support decision-making and strategizing. 

Who uses database schema?

The short answer? Anyone who works on a product, either directly or indirectly. 

  • Database administrators (DBAs) need schemas to make sure the database runs smoothly. They use schemas to avoid duplication and help keep app and website data organized.
  • Programmers work with database schemas to build apps and websites. They rely on schemas to know how the data they work with is stored and how their programs use it. This helps them write code that interacts with the database correctly.
  • Everyday database users also interact with schemas, even if they don’t know the system itself. Their actions rely on schemas to get the right data when they need it. With a well designed schema, users can trust the data they access is accurate and up to date.

Types of database schema

Several types of database schemas cater to different needs, each with unique characteristics and benefits.

Flat model

A simple database model where data is stored in a single two-dimensional table or file.

  • Pros: Easy to implement and manage; minimal complexity.
  • Cons: Lack of relationships between data fields; not ideal for large-scale databases.
  • Applications: Small, simple applications or data storage needs.

Hierarchical model

Data is organized in a tree-like structure with a single root and various levels of hierarchy.

  • Pros: Fast data retrieval due to parent/child relationships; good for nested data.
  • Cons: Complex to manage and lacks flexibility; difficult to reorganize.
  • Applications: Applications with a clear hierarchical structure, like file systems.

Network model

An extension of the hierarchical model with more flexible relationships among data.

  • Pros: Allows complex relationships between data entities; supports many-to-many relationships.
  • Cons: Complexity in implementation and management; can become unwieldy for large datasets.
  • Applications: Telecommunications and transport networks.

Relational model

Organizes data into tables where relations are defined between different entities.

  • Pros: High flexibility and ease of use; supports SQL; widely adopted and understood.
  • Cons: Performance can suffer if not optimized; it requires designing a normalized schema.
  • Applications: Enterprise databases, accounting systems.

Star schema

A type of relational schema with a central fact table connected to dimension tables.

  • Pros: Simplified queries and fast data retrieval; good for data warehouses.
  • Cons: May require more storage space; redundancy can lead to update anomalies.
  • Applications: Business intelligence and data warehousing.

Snowflake schema

An extension of the star schema where dimension tables are normalized into multiple related tables.

  • Pros: Reduces data redundancy; can handle more complex queries and analysis.
  • Cons: More complex queries due to multiple joins; can increase query times.
  • Applications: Advanced data analytics and complex reporting needs.

Database instance vs. database schema: what’s the difference? 

Let’s take a moment to clarify two important terms. Proper understanding of both helps you manage the system, so it’s all set for future growth.

A database instance is like the active environment of the database system, handling operations like data processing and transactions. It manages access to data and ensures everything runs smoothly and securely. A bit like how a cashier manages the till and the flow of money (data) in and out of it.

On the other hand, a database schema is the blueprint of the database, setting out how data is organized in tables and columns, without dealing with the actual data itself. It gives the framework that the database instance needs to function. So to go back to our till analogy, the schema is like the slots in the till that tell the cashier where the 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills go. 

Both the instance and schema impact how data is stored, accessed, and maintained, so it’s important to know their unique functions. 

PurposeOperates and manages the entire database systemGives a structural blueprint for organizing data
ScopeIncludes all data and structures within the databaseDefines layout for tables, columns, and relationships
Interaction with dataInteracts with the actual data and supports workloadOutlines structure without containing the actual data
Impact on performanceInfluences the overall performance of the database systemAffects query speed and data access efficiency
Security considerationsManages user access and security for the entire systemCan segment data for specific access control needs
Changes and adjustmentsUltimately reflects any changes in data or schemaMaps out structural changes needed for efficiency

What is database schema design?

Database schema design, also known as ‘database modeling,’ is about translating business needs into a structured format that allows for good data management. These databases are used by a range of roles, including system admins, programmers, and general database users.

A well-designed schema acts as a guide for database developers and admins, helping them create a system that supports queries, transactions, and data retrieval operations, as well as maintain data integrity via rules and constraints. 

The key components of schema design:

Good schema design comprises several components, including:

  • Entities and relationships: Identifying the entities that represent real-world objects or concepts and defining how they relate to one another is fundamental. This involves establishing one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many relationships.
  • Attributes: Defining attributes for each entity, like customer names, product details, or transaction dates, is essential. Each attribute has a data type and constraints, ensuring data is stored in a consistent format.
  • Constraints: Implementing constraints helps maintain data correctness, like ensuring a customer’s age is within a plausible range or a product’s price is positive. Constraints can be entity-based or relational, drawing on rules that span across different tables.
  • Indexes and keys: Indexes improve data retrieval speeds, and keys — primary, foreign, and candidate keys — are critical for defining relationships and ensuring data integrity.

How do designers create database schemas?

Designing a database schema involves several steps to make sure it meets an organization’s needs. Here’s a simplified breakdown of the process:

  • Understanding data needs: Designers start by looking at what the organization needs from the data. They collect information about how data moves and identify key items and how they relate. It’s important during this stage to include different perspectives to get a full picture.
  • Creating a visual map: Next, schema designers create a basic diagram, known as an entity-relationship diagram (ERD), to show key items, their details, and how they connect. This stage helps organize everything clearly but doesn’t worry about storage details just yet.
  • Building the logical structure: Next, designers turn the visual plan into a detailed outline that a database can use. Define tables, columns, what type of data goes where, and set up connections using identifiers like primary and foreign keys.
  • Designing the storage plan: Finally, designers decide how to store the data physically in the chosen database system. They consider aspects like how data is indexed, split up (partitioned), and any performance tweaks for speed.
  • Testing and feedback: Finally, they use testing and feedback to iron out any problems. They repeat the process to ensure everything works smoothly.

How to integrate database schemas into a system

Sometimes you need to integrate schemas within a database system, so the information can be shared and used across different systems. 

Businesses might choose to integrate schemas for various reasons, e.g. mergers, where different databases need to work together, or when departments aim to consolidate their data for better decision-making. 

This process requires compatibility between schemas, meaning they should use the same data format and naming conventions to avoid issues like duplicates when combining data from multiple sources. 

To do this well, you need a clear strategy for managing differences in data types and structures, plus proper documentation, which helps admins and developers understand the system. 

The four schema integration requirements:

When integrating schemas, you should aim to meet the following four requirements.

  • Overlap preservation, to avoid data issues and enhance data management.
  • Extended overlap preservation, capturing complex interactions between data points beyond obvious overlaps.
  • Normalization, to avoid independent relationships and entities being put together in the same table. This is especially true for source-specific schema elements, which should not be grouped with overlapping schema elements if the grouping puts independent entities or relationships in the same place.
  • Minimality, to make sure no source elements of the schema are lost. 


  • A strong mapping strategy to address variations in data types.
  • Documentation, to help with maintenance.
  • Security protocols, to safeguard data integrity and control access.

Best practices for database schema design

To create a reliable and useful database schema, you’ll need to follow a few ground rules. Here are some key principles to guide you through the process.

1. Normalize data thoughtfully

While normalization can help you avoid duplicate data and keep consistency, doing it too much can make queries slow and complex. Find a balance by normalizing to keep data correct but don’t make it inefficient. Denormalize when necessary, especially if you’re mostly reading data, to make reading faster.

2. Use consistent naming conventions

Clear, consistent names for tables, columns, indexes, and keys make the database easier to read and manage. Use meaningful names and decide on singular or plural forms for names throughout your schema.

3. Plan for scalability

Think about future growth by making sure your schema can manage more data and users. Be ready to split data into different databases or use methods like sharding if needed.

4. Optimize for performance

Make your database fast by using indexes wisely to speed up query processing, but don’t overdo it as too many indexes can slow down writing data. Always check query performance to find and fix slow areas.

5. Ensure data integrity

Set up strict rules like primary keys, foreign keys, unique rules, and checks to keep data correct. This reduces errors and enforces rules directly in the database.

6. Embrace data security and privacy

Protect sensitive info with access controls and encryption. Make sure personal and sensitive information follows laws like GFPR or HIPAA.

7. Document your schema

Good documentation is vital for managing your schema well. Write down why you made certain design choices, how the tables and fields should be used, and any assumptions or limits. This helps with future work and bringing new team members on board.

8. Review and iterate

The first design of your schema is rarely perfect. Regularly check and improve your schema to match changing business needs and tech updates. Feedback from real use can show where you need to make improvements.

Design better database schemas with tools built for the job

When it comes to managing products, and especially for creating database schemas, having the right tools can make all the difference. Product management tools like Backlog are designed to simplify complicated tasks, making it easier for teams to work together and get things done faster.

Thanks to automatic data collection and continuous integration capabilities, developers can spot problems sooner rather than later, helping avoid costly redos later on. And, by making processes smoother and automating manual tasks, Backlog gives teams the space they need to focus on what they do best: coming up with ideas for great products that make their users’ lives better. Ready to give it a try? 



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