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Strategic roadmaps: the secret ingredient to business success

PostsStrategy & planning
Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

July 26, 2023

Success looks deceptively simple to outsiders. From A-listers to tech tycoons and beyond — we’re surrounded by people who give the impression their wins are a mixture of luck and talent. What we don’t see is the hours of planning, plotting, training (and failing) that go into the end result.

This is a problem, especially when you’re launching a product. Even more so when you consider 95% of new products fail. This is where a strategic roadmap comes in handy. 

Strategic roadmaps bridge the gap between “hey, I have an idea” and “let’s get started.” They’re a formalized approach to launching your vision. We know a “formalized approach” is probably the last thing you want when you’re raring to go, but let’s face it — we can all get a little carried away when we have a new idea. Think of it as being like a map and an airbag in one. Glamorous? No. Essential? Yes. Here’s what you need to know. 

What is a strategic roadmap?

In the world of business, where uncertainty looms, and ambitions run high, strategic roadmaps are maps that cut through the noise, guiding organizations toward their desired destination with purpose.

A roadmap is a document that outlines an organization’s major goals and the steps everyone involved needs to take to reach those goals. It serves as a guide and a communication tool, keeping everyone focused on the vision. 

Strategic roadmaps are visual and easy to understand. It’s about setting out the big picture and showing the organization’s strategy in a way that’s digestible for everyone to understand — from top-tier management, to the most junior recruits, from techy developers to busy stakeholders. It helps lay out where the company wants to go, plus what it needs to do to get there.

As well as being visual and easy to understand, the strategic roadmap features a few key components: 

  • Key initiatives or projects;
  • A timeline and milestones;
  • Resources needed;
  • Expected outcomes. 

It’s a plan that doesn’t just focus on the “what” but also the “how”. Or in other words, it goes beyond being a simple task checklist; instead, it outlines the path from the current situation to a bright, shiny future. It aligns objectives with actionable steps, timelines, and milestones. So, yes, it is a checklist of sorts, but one that’s tied to company vision.

It’s also a dynamic tool, rather than a static document drafted and left to collect dust. Just as the business world changes day-to-day, a roadmap needs to evolve as well.

In a nutshell, a strategic roadmap is a bridge between idea and execution. 

It’s a way to visualize the future, manage complexity, maintain focus, and coordinate efforts across the entire organization. It ensures every step taken is deliberate and drives the organization towards its objectives.

What’s the difference between a strategic roadmap and a plan?

A strategic roadmap and a plan are essential tools in the project manager’s arsenal, but they play different roles.

A strategic roadmap is a high-level overview of your organization’s strategic goals, plus the major steps needed to achieve them. It gives you a bird’s eye view of the vision, focusing on what the organization wants to achieve over the long term.

It is visual and communicates the direction of the organization to everyone in a way that’s easy to understand. It’s about setting the course and providing a broad direction. A roadmap should be flexible, allowing for adjustments as the business environment and needs change over time.

A plan, on the other hand, is more detailed and focuses on the execution of the roadmap. It breaks down steps into detailed tasks, outlines who is responsible for those tasks, and includes information about deadlines and resources you’ll need. 

If the roadmap provides the “what” and “why,” the plan is all about the “who,” “when,” “where,” and “how.” While the roadmap communicates strategic objectives, the plan is the practical tool that drives the roadmap. It deals with day-to-day activities, tactical decisions, and operational matters. 

Essentially, the strategic roadmap and the plan complement each other. The roadmap paints the big picture and sets the direction, while the plan dives into the granular details of how to get there. Both are essential for turning an organization’s strategic vision into reality. They should work in harmony, guiding the organization toward its objectives.

Why is a strategy roadmap important?

  • Vision and direction: First and foremost, a strategic roadmap gives a clear vision and direction for the organization. It clearly outlines where the organization wants to go, what it aims to achieve, and how it plans to get there — all of which are vital for maintaining focus and keeping all efforts aligned with its goals.
  • Alignment: A strategy roadmap aligns different parts of the organization around the strategic objectives. It ensures that everyone, from top management to interns, understands the strategy and their role in making it happen. This alignment can massively enhance coordination, collaboration, and productivity within the business.
  • Communication: The roadmap serves as an excellent communication tool. It visually showcases the strategy in a way that’s easy for all stakeholders to understand, whatever their involvement or expertise. This clarity builds confidence and trust and keeps everyone pulling in the same direction.
  • Prioritization: The roadmap helps organizations prioritize their initiatives and resources. By clearly outlining the strategic objectives and the steps required to achieve them, organizations can determine which initiatives are most important, where to invest resources, and which projects might not be as critical.
  • Measure progress: Finally, the roadmap provides a benchmark for measuring progress. It outlines the desired outcomes and timelines, allowing organizations to track their progress toward their strategic goals, identify deviations, and make necessary corrections in a timely manner.

How can I use a strategic roadmap?

  • Driving initiatives: Use your strategic roadmap as a guide and launch pad for your strategic initiatives. It helps keep every single initiative laser-focused on your organizational goals.
  • Communicating strategy: Getting buy-in is essential for project success. The strategic roadmap serves as a communication tool, helping you show the rest of the team, plus other stakeholders, how to bridge the gap between now and the future you envisage. A well-communicated strategy helps with understanding, alignment, and support across the board.
  • Resource planning and management: Your roadmap helps you determine where to allocate resources like budget, personnel, and time for the best results. It also helps you keep a tighter handle on these things as the project progresses. 
  • Tracking progress: Use the strategic roadmap to track progress against your objectives. It gives you the benchmarks against which you can measure success, plus it helps you spot areas that need improvement or adjustment. 
  • Decision-making: Your strategic roadmap guides decision-making at all levels of the organization. By providing a clear view of the objectives and initiatives, it helps everyone make well-informed choices that align with the overall strategy. And because of the clarity, those choices are made faster and with more confidence. 
  • Facilitating change management: If your organization’s going through a big change, a strategic roadmap can guide this process. It outlines the steps of the change, helps you manage the transition, and keeps everyone focused on the road ahead.
  • Getting buy-In from investors: Your strategic roadmap offers a clear, visual representation of your strategic direction, plus your key initiatives and timeline. This helps you illustrate your organization’s future plans and how you will achieve your goals in a way everyone can understand. This transparency builds investor confidence, demonstrates your competency, and helps you secure their buy-in and continued support. After all, investors are more likely to invest in an organization when they understand and believe in its strategic direction.

Strategy roadmap examples 

You can use strategic roadmaps for myriad applications. Here are three popular options.

Product strategy roadmap 

A product strategy roadmap outlines our product/project’s direction and timeline. It includes key features or improvements, their priority, and a timeline for their launch. Its main point is to give a clear vision for the product’s evolution, ensuring it meets customer needs, stays competitive, and contributes to the company’s wider business goals. 

For example, a tech company might create a product strategy roadmap for its flagship software, setting out new features, user experience improvements, and technical enhancements.

Marketing strategy roadmap

A marketing strategy roadmap is a visual plan that aligns the marketing initiatives with the strategic objectives of the organization. It includes goals like boosting brand awareness, raising user engagement, increasing lead generation, and so on. The roadmap outlines key marketing campaigns, content strategies, SEO initiatives, social media plans, and other marketing activities, all organized against a timeline. 

For example, a retail company might have a marketing strategy roadmap that includes a social media campaign for the summer, an email marketing blitz for the fall, and a content marketing strategy for the year to boost SEO over the long term.

Business transformation strategy roadmap

A business transformation strategy roadmap helps you manage significant changes in an organization, such as staff restructuring, digital transformation, or a major shift in the business model. This roadmap outlines the long-term strategic goals of the transformation, key initiatives, the timeline, plus expected outcomes. 

For example, a traditional brick-and-mortar store planning to go digital would have a transformation roadmap that includes steps like building an e-commerce website, plans for digital marketing strategies, supply chain adjustments, and customer support improvements.

7 steps to creating your strategy roadmap 

Ready to create your own roadmap? It’s as simple as following these seven steps. 

Step 1: Define your strategic objectives

Begin with the end in mind. What’s your organization’s big vision? These are the long-term goals you want to achieve, and they’re your guiding star when setting the direction of your roadmap. 

Your goals might include increasing market share, launching new products, entering new markets, or improving efficiency. Make sure your objectives are clear, specific, measurable, time-bound (a SMART plan might come in handy here), and that they line up with your organization’s vision.

Step 2: Identify key initiatives

Once you have your strategic objectives in place, it’s time to articulate key initiatives to help you achieve those goals. 

Key initiatives are the major activities that drive your organization toward your goals. For example, if one of your objectives is to enter a new market, one of your key initiatives might be to set up a local sales team in that market. 

Your initiatives are the building blocks of your roadmap, so choose wisely. They should be realistic, impactful, and aligned with your strategic objectives. SMART goals come in handy again here. 

Step 3: Prioritize your initiatives

Not all initiatives are created equal! Some will have a greater impact on your strategic objectives than others, and resources are often limited. For this reason, it’s essential to prioritize.

Lots of factors go into how you prioritize one task over another, ranging from impact, resources, timelines, or dependencies. You might use a scoring system or a framework like an impact-effort matrix. Prioritization helps you focus your efforts where they can make the biggest difference in achieving your goals.

Step 4: Develop a timeline

After you’ve prioritized your initiatives, it’s time to set some deadlines. This step involves deciding when each initiative should start and end, effectively plotting a schedule for your roadmap.

Remember to consider dependencies between initiatives — you might need to complete some tasks before you can move onto the next one. Also consider resource availability and any potential bottlenecks and roadblocks. This timeline will act as your strategic schedule, helping ensure you complete initiatives logically and efficiently. 

Step 5: Allocate resources

Resource allocation is where you turn your roadmap into a feasible plan of action. To do this, work out exactly what personnel, budget, equipment, and other resources you’ll need for each initiative. You’ll need to match your resources to the initiatives based on their needs and priority — and be realistic about what you can achieve to minimize overcommitment, under-resourcing, or over-allocation

Step 6: Share the roadmap

Now that you’ve built your strategic roadmap, it’s time to get all your relevant stakeholders involved. This could include your boss, team members, different departments, investors, and/or customers, depending on your business. 

The purpose of this step is to help everyone understand the strategic objectives, the key initiatives, their roles, and the timeline. With good organizational communication, you foster alignment, get buy-in, and ensure everyone is pulling in the same direction. Remember, a roadmap isn’t just a document, it’s a communication tool that guides everyone towards the finish line. 

Step 7: Review and update regularly

Creating your strategic roadmap isn’t a one-time event. The business environment is as fixed as the weather, with new challenges and opportunities popping up daily — so review and update your roadmap regularly. 

This could involve checking progress against your timeline, reassessing your priorities, and adjusting your initiatives or resources. Regular reviews ensure your roadmap remains relevant, effective, and aligned with your organization’s strategic objectives, no matter how the business landscape evolves.

Bonus step: measure and learn

When you measure your progress, you create a benchmark against which you can review your progress over time — just like how a runner sets a PB, then aims to beat it. 

So, after you’ve set off on your roadmap journey, take time to measure and evaluate the success of your initiatives against your strategic objectives. Did you meet the goals you set out at the start? Use both quantitative measures (like KPIs and performance metrics) and qualitative feedback to assess your success. 

This evaluation is not only important for showing the value of your efforts; it also gives you valuable insights that you can use to refine future strategies. Learning from your successes and failures creates a culture of continuous improvement throughout the project.

Remember, the ultimate goal of a strategic roadmap is to drive your business forward, and ongoing learning is an important part of that journey.

Use collaboration tools to make your strategic roadmap a success

Project management software, like Backlog, can be transformative in overseeing your strategic roadmap. By setting up each initiative as a project, you can delegate tasks, set deadlines, and track progress all from one central hub. Plus, because everything is tracked automatically, nothing slips through the cracks, and transparency improves, fostering a greater sense of accountability among the team. 

Other collaboration tools like diagramming software and chat apps help you engage and communicate more effectively — from visuals that simplify concepts and data to dedicated group chats and channels that make it easier to work together and solve issues. These apps often integrate seamlessly with project management as well, making for a well-rounded collaboration experience. They’re an asset well worth considering in your strategic roadmap journey, and you can try them out for free today! 



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