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  4. Git tutorial
  5. How to use Git
  6. How to use Git on Windows
  7. Default settings
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Default settings

Next, set your default username and e-mail address so that Git can identify the person committing changes.

This setup only needs to be done once.

From the right-click menu, click “TortoiseGit” > “Settings.”

Select your language and click “Next.”

Click TortoiseGit settings

Click “Next” on the following screen.

click Next

And click “Next” again.

click Next again

Enter your name and email address, then click “Next.”

Enter your name and email address, then click “Next Click Finish

Click “Finish.”

Next, we will change the default branch name to be more inclusive.

To do so, right-click anywhere and choose “TortoiseGit,” then choose “Settings.”

right-click and choose TortoiseGit, then choose Settings

Click on the entry labeled “Git”, then click “Edit systemwide gitconfig.”

(Note: You may need help from your IT department if you don’t have the proper privileges on your device.)

Click on the entry labeled Git, then click Edit systemwide gitconfig

In the text editor that opens, find the line that says “defaultBranch = master.”

gitconfig code

Replace it with “defaultBranch = main” (or another name you see fit).

Replace it with defaultBranch = main on the gitconfig code

Setup is complete! Now we can get to work.

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