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13 strategies for better workload management

PostsProject management
Georgina Guthrie

Georgina Guthrie

November 10, 2023

Once upon a time, bosses thought workload management was all about juggling tasks and hitting deadlines. They worked employees way too hard and threw them out like yesterday’s news when they were worn out. Not only is this approach unethical — it’s also deeply unprofitable.

Today’s enlightened approach to workload management recognizes that employees aren’t just cogs in a machine — they’re human beings with aspirations, emotions, and limits.

Prioritizing their mental and emotional well-being isn’t just the right thing to do; it’s smart business. Studies show that happy workers are more productive and more likely to stay in the job, both of which do good things for a business’s bottom line.

The evolution from a purely task-driven mindset to one that emphasizes holistic workload management aligns with our growing understanding of human potential. When we manage workloads effectively, keeping in mind the well-being of our teams, we create a sustainable environment where everyone thrives and businesses flourish.

What is workload management?

Workload management is the process of organizing tasks, responsibilities, and resources in a project or workplace. 

It’s about making sure the right people have the right amount of work at the right time. Think of it as being like task-Tetris. Each piece represents a different job or responsibility. When the pieces fit together seamlessly, the project moves forward smoothly. But if a piece is out of place or missing, it leads to gaps or bottlenecks, meaning game over for the project. 

Why is workload management important?

Workload management goes beyond simply assigning tasks. It’s about fostering a sustainable work environment and maximizing the potential of each team member. Here’s why it deserves your attention: 

  • Maximized efficiency and productivity: Properly distributed tasks mean less time wasted on figuring out what should be done next or who should do it. 
  • Reduced burnout and stress: Overloading team members isn’t just counterproductive; it can lead to burnout, increased stress, and diminished well-being. By ensuring that each individual has a balanced workload, you not only support their mental health but also promote a positive work environment.
  • Improved project outcomes: A well-managed workload often translates to higher-quality results. When tasks are aligned with an individual’s skills and capacity, there’s a greater chance they’ll be executed with precision and care.
  • Enhanced team morale: Nothing dampens spirits like feeling overwhelmed or underutilized. Proper workload management ensures that every team member feels valued and is contributing to the project’s success.
  • Better time management: Knowing who’s doing what and by when helps in setting realistic deadlines. This leads to more accurate project timelines and fewer last-minute scrambles.
  • Clearer communication: When everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing, miscommunications or overlaps are less likely. This means fewer corrections and lower stress.

What causes workload issues?

Workload issues creep up for a variety of reasons, often a mix of external factors and internal misjudgments. Recognizing these triggers is the first step in preventing them. Let’s explore some common culprits.

1. Poor planning

Without a well-structured plan, tasks very often become muddled or overlap, leading to confusion about responsibilities and deliverables. For example, in the absence of a clear content calendar, a content creation team might find themselves racing to meet last-minute deadlines or duplicating efforts.

2. Lack of clarity

If team members aren’t clear about their roles or the project’s objectives, they might struggle with prioritizing tasks or even understanding what’s expected of them. 

3. Resource shortages

Whether it’s human resources, tools, or materials, not having what you need when you need it can seriously hamper progress. Imagine a graphic designer waiting on software licenses, or a writer needing research materials, or a chef short of salt.

4. Unrealistic expectations

Overestimating what you can achieve in a given timeframe or underestimating the complexity of tasks often results in overload. For example, expecting a small team to deliver the same output as a larger group without additional support is a recipe for problems. Not only does this slow things down, it could lead to resentment and burnout in your workers. 

5. Communication breakdowns

When there’s insufficient communication, tasks can get missed, duplicated, or misunderstood. This is especially prevalent in larger teams or when working remotely.

6. Changes in scope

When a project’s scope expands without adjustments to the timeline or resources, workload issues are almost inevitable. This is commonly referred to as ‘scope creep’ and can push teams beyond their capacity.

7. Inadequate skills or training

You wouldn’t ask a non-swimmer to be a lifeguard. Yet so many under-qualified people in the office are thrown at jobs and then blamed when things go wrong. Assigning tasks to individuals who lack the necessary skills or training means you risk mistakes, not to mention an undermotivated worker.

8. Failure to delegate

Micromanagers are their own worst enemy, not to mention a pain for all involved. Sometimes, team leads or managers take on too much, either out of a desire to maintain control or from a misplaced sense of duty. This can lead to bottlenecks and an uneven distribution of work.

9. External interruptions

Unexpected events, whether it’s a sudden market change, a global event, or a critical client request, can disrupt the best-laid plans.

What are the signs of workload overload?

A stitch in time saves nine, or so the saying goes. Look out for overload issues early on to avoid overburdening individuals and risking the success of the project. Here are some telltale signs to watch out for.

  • Regularly missing deadlines
  • Increased errors 
  • Heightened stress (look out for usually calm workers showing frustration)
  • Declining engagement (warning signs include reduced participation and withdrawal from team meetings) 
  • Frequent overtime (if your team’s remote, look out for emails sent at odd hours)
  • Burnout among staff (cynicism, sick days, and health problems are a red flag)
  • Communication breakdowns
  • Inability to focus
  • Concerning feedback from the team 

How to manage workload effectively 

A people-first approach to workload management recognizes that behind every task, there’s a person with unique strengths, limitations, emotions, and needs. Here are 13 tried-and-tested workload management strategies that prioritize wellbeing while keeping your team on track. 

1. Understand individual strengths and preferences

Recognizing the distinct strengths, preferences, and potential for growth within each individual allows for better allocation of responsibilities. 

  • Get to know your team: Some people thrive on detail-oriented tasks, while others excel in brainstorming and creative endeavors. Some might be morning people, finding peak productivity in the early hours, while others might be night owls. Pay attention to who likes what, and work with it (not against it). 
  • Hold regular one-on-ones: Set aside time for regular individual check-ins. These meetings offer a space for team members to discuss their comfort levels with current tasks, any challenges they’re facing, or if they’d like to explore new areas.
  • Use strength-assessment tools: Consider using tools or assessments, like the StrengthsFinder or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, to gain insights into individual team member’s natural talents and how best to utilize them.
  • Be flexible: Once you know who’s good at (and interested in) what, align tasks to individual strengths rather than simply who usually does it. For example, if someone has a knack for data analysis, they might be the best fit for tasks that involve crunching numbers or predicting trends.

2. Promote work-life balance and mental well-being

By encouraging boundaries, mindful breaks, and mental health initiatives, you contribute to an atmosphere that respects and nurtures individual needs. 

  • Know the importance of boundaries: Work-life balance isn’t just a fancy buzzword; it’s essential for mental health and long-term productivity. Encourage team members to set clear boundaries between work and home, especially in remote work settings where lines can easily blur.
  • Promote regular breaks: Remind your team of the importance of taking short, frequent breaks during the day. These pauses can help in rejuvenating and can significantly improve focus and productivity. Tools like the Pomodoro Technique, where work is broken into intervals, can be effective.
  • Have mental health initiatives: Consider introducing mental health initiatives, such as access to counseling services, mental health days, or workshops on stress management. These programs emphasize that the company cares about its employees beyond just their output.
  • Encourage time off: Make sure team members are using their vacation time and truly disconnecting. A well-rested employee is more likely to bring creativity and enthusiasm to their tasks.
  • Monitor for burnout: Keep an eye out for signs of burnout, such as chronic fatigue, disengagement, or increased mistakes. If someone shows these symptoms, it might be time for a conversation about workload and well-being.

3. Foster transparent communication and feedback loops

Nurture an environment where conversations about workload, challenges, and improvements are both welcomed and acted on. This helps team members feel heard and builds a culture of continuous improvement.

  • Open-door policy: Promote an environment where team members feel comfortable voicing their concerns and ideas. Have an open-door policy where leaders are demonstratively approachable and willing to listen. 
  • Feedback platforms: Utilize platforms or tools where team members can provide feedback anonymously. This is especially useful for those who might feel apprehensive about sharing concerns directly.
  • Regular team meetings: Hold consistent team meetings to discuss current workloads, upcoming projects, and any challenges faced. This keeps everyone on the same page and provides a forum for collaborative problem-solving.
  • Two-way feedback: Getting feedback is good, but it’s just as important to provide constructive feedback on your employees’ performance. This helps clarify objectives while guiding their professional development.
  • Acknowledge and act: When someone raises concerns or makes a suggestion, it’s crucial to acknowledge them and, if necessary, take action. This reinforces trust and demonstrates that feedback is valued and not just a procedural formality.

4. Encourage collaborative work and peer support

Cultivating spaces for peer support and collective problem-solving lays the foundations for a stronger project. 

  • Team collaboration sessions: Hold regular brainstorming sessions where team members can collaborate on tasks or projects. But remember – not everyone thrives in noisy group settings. Collaboration could also mean working solo, with group work later on. 
  • Mentorship programs: Pairing newer team members with seasoned pros in a mentor-mentee relationship can speed up onboarding, provide role clarity, and help newbies understand their responsibilities better. 
  • Cross-training: By training team members in skills outside their primary role, you create a more versatile team. This versatility means that in times when deadlines are tight, others can step in. 
  • Peer reviews: Incorporate a system where team members can review each other’s work. Diversity of opinion = fewer blind spots. 
  • Shared task boards: Using tools that allow for shared task visibility, like Backlog, can help team members see where they might offer help, or where collaboration could speed things up. 

5. Provide training 

Invest in your employees, and you invest in the business. Not only do well-trained employees feel nurtured in their role, but they also work with more confidence. 

  • Continuous learning opportunities: Make sure team members have access to ongoing training programs, workshops, or online courses. Continuous learning not only refines skills but also helps people feel valued while helping you nurture talent. 
  • Skill gap analysis: Periodically assess where there might be skill gaps within the team. Are there specific tasks that consistently take longer because there’s a knowledge deficiency?
  • Tailored training plans: Based on individual strengths and areas for improvement, develop personalized training plans. E.g., if a team member is exceptional at their core tasks but struggles with a particular software tool, a dedicated training session could be hugely beneficial.
  • External experts and workshops: Consider bringing in industry experts for specialized training sessions. These sessions provide fresh perspectives and techniques that might not be available within the immediate team.
  • Encourage conferences and seminars: Allow team members to attend relevant conferences, seminars, or webinars. They can bring back insights that benefit the larger team. And remember to send a variety of people, not just the managers. 

6. Set clear expectations and define responsibilities

Clear expectations and well-defined responsibilities help you get the most out of all those highly trained staff. 

  • Job descriptions and role clarifications: Make sure every team member has a clear and updated job description. Knowing the boundaries of one’s role can prevent unintentional task overlaps and ambiguities.
  • Task breakdown: For larger projects, break down tasks into smaller, manageable parts. Clearly define who is responsible for each segment, ensuring everyone knows their role in the bigger picture.
  • Project kick-off meetings: At the outset of a new project, hold a meeting to discuss goals, deliverables, timelines, and individual responsibilities. This foundational clarity can prevent misunderstandings down the line.
  • Use visual tools: Visual tools, like Gantt charts or flowcharts, can help in outlining project timelines, dependencies, and individual tasks. 
  • Regular check-ins: Beyond the initial setup, have periodic check-ins to ensure that everyone is on track and that there aren’t any unspoken challenges or ambiguities in responsibilities.
  • Provide context: When assigning tasks, provide context. Understanding the ‘why’ behind a task can give it purpose and clarity, making it easier to prioritize and execute.

7. Estimate tasks

By gauging the complexity and expected duration of each task, you can set realistic deadlines. Learn about parametric, analogous, three-point, and bottom-up estimating to your skillset to master this process. 

  • Break down tasks: Dissect larger tasks into smaller, manageable components to get a granular view of the workload, making it easier to estimate.
  • Use past data: Leverage data from similar past tasks to guide your current estimations, considering factors like complexity, dependencies, and resources.
  • Avoid optimism bias: While optimism is admirable, avoid underestimating tasks. Always incorporate a buffer for unforeseen challenges or delays.
  • Review and refine: Regularly revisit your estimations as the project progresses, adjusting based on the team’s actual performance and unforeseen factors.

8. Standardize processes

Templates and automation help in creating standardized procedures across projects, but doing this calls for strong estimating skills.

  • Standardize best practices: Having a template means you have a repeatable set of best practices in place. This means consistently, regardless of who’s handling the task.
  • Reduce onboarding time: For new team members, templates act as guidelines, making it easier to grasp processes and tasks, and reducing the time spent on orientation.
  • Facilitate continuous improvement: Over time, as you gather feedback and data, you can refine your processes and templates. 

9. Prioritize to focus on what matters most

Determining which tasks are crucial to project outcomes and which can be deferred is a skill well worth having. Clear priorities simplify decision-making, helping you see the path forward. 

  • Define critical tasks: Distinguish between tasks that are urgent and those that are important. Focus first on what’s crucial for project advancement.
  • Use a prioritization framework: Leverage frameworks like the Eisenhower Box or the MoSCoW method to categorize and rank tasks.
  • Stay flexible: While priorities provide direction, stay adaptable to shift focus if the project needs change.
  • Regularly revisit task list: As projects evolve, regularly reassess your task list to ensure alignment with changing objectives or external factors.

10. Create a resource calendar for visibility and planning

A resource calendar offers a visual overview of tasks, availability, and key project milestones. This transparency makes it easier to plan ahead. 

  • Visualize resource allocation: A resource calendar offers a clear view of who is doing what and when, helping you optimize resources and avoid things like double booking, overburdening, and bottlenecks.
  • Facilitate an agile approach: In fast-paced markets, or projects with tight deadlines, being able to spot issues and readjust in real-time is invaluable. And a calendar helps you do just that. 
  • Enhance team communication: When everyone can view the calendar, it promotes transparency and helps team members manage their own tasks and timelines.

11. Minimize multitasking to boost productivity

Focus – everyone knows what it is. Doing it is the trick part. In the midst of a bustling resource calendar, the lure of multitasking can be strong. 

  • Promote dedicated task blocks: Encourage team members to allocate specific chunks of time to focus solely on one task, minimizing distractions.
  • Highlight the cost of context switching: Educate the team on the time and energy lost when frequently toggling between tasks, emphasizing the benefits of singular focus.
  • Use tools to limit interruptions: Leverage apps or platforms that reduce distractions during dedicated work periods. Setting your team communication tool to ‘busy’ can leave you free to focus on work without worrying about colleagues thinking you’re ignoring them. 

12. Give time for sick days, disruption, and vacation

Delays and disruptions are all part of the project management challenge. Whether it’s an unexpected illness, personal emergencies, or well-deserved vacation time, it’s essential to factor these possibilities into your workload strategy. 

  • Incorporate buffer periods: Always plan for the unexpected by incorporating buffer periods in your project timeline.
  • Encourage transparent communication: Promote an environment where team members feel comfortable informing about their unavailability in advance.
  • Have a backup plan: Ensure roles and tasks have potential substitutes or backup personnel in case of sudden unavailability.
  • Value time-off: Understand the importance of rest and recreation, ensuring team members can take time off without hampering the project’s progress.

13. Monitor and adjust workload in real-time

Even dream teams need a little fine-tuning. The agility to modify tasks, reassess priorities, and respond to unexpected changes keeps them running like a well-oiled machine. 

  • Adjust for unexpected situations: Emergencies, both personal and professional, happen. Be prepared to redistribute tasks if someone suddenly becomes unavailable or if a project scope changes abruptly. A contingency plan is a big help here.
  • Task rotation: If certain tasks are particularly monotonous or strenuous, consider a rotation system where team members take turns handling them. This helps prevent burnout and means you get a fresh perspective, too. 
  • Regular reporting: Incorporate a reporting system where team members regularly update on task completion. This helps you manage resources and keep the project on track. Invest in a good project management tool and let it do the tracking for you (and your team). 
  • Optimize task allocation: Based on utilization data, redistribute tasks to make the most of each team member’s capacity and skills.
  • Adopt Agile approaches: Consider Agile methodologies, which are built around regular feedback and adjustment. This way, the project stays flexible and responsive to evolving needs.
  • Monitor external factors: Stay attuned to external changes, such as client requirements or market shifts, that might necessitate a change in task prioritization.
  • Use project management tools: Use tools to help you automate certain tasks. Backlog, our own PM software, gives real-time insights into workflows and task progression, allowing for efficient resource allocation, and swift adjustments if needed. 

By integrating these tools, you can ensure a cohesive, streamlined approach to workload management, whatever the project. Give it a try for free today. 



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